oakesrandall / project2

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Rate-A-Cat is an app that allows you to determine whether random cat gifs are adorable or lame.

This app was built using a Mongo database, Mongoose, Express, and JavaScript.

Trello: https://trello.com/b/vD9VXJrU/project-two

Initially, the plan was to have people vote on two different cat gifs, but during development, I decided to use just one image and turn it into a "Hot or Not" but with cat gifs.

Wireframe: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0dp5Y6-Opgjd2w1MGZMRDE1bVpmVmdValhCN0Rqb1p3anFj

The app is live here: https://murmuring-wave-92010.herokuapp.com/