Hi, I'm buidling LTI Platform using LTI Reference Implementation, during content selection, I redirected to login_initiations on lti-ri, then I click send post request and it bring me to my platform oidc init,
I try OidcAuthenticator and authenticate $request, but it fails with message
OIDC authentication failed: Argument 1 passed to OAT\Library\Lti1p3Core\Security\Jwt\Parser\Parser::parse() must be of the type string, null given, called in //vendor/oat-sa/lib-lti1p3-core/src/Security/Oidc/OidcAuthenticator.php on line 82
I have no idea how to auntethicate it, I can't find 'authenticity_token' on this library even on test case, I have no idea which function can handle it, any ideas how to authenticate it?
Hi, I'm buidling LTI Platform using LTI Reference Implementation, during content selection, I redirected to login_initiations on lti-ri, then I click send post request and it bring me to my platform oidc init, I try OidcAuthenticator and authenticate $request, but it fails with message
after I dump the $request, I get parsedBody
I have no idea how to auntethicate it, I can't find 'authenticity_token' on this library even on test case, I have no idea which function can handle it, any ideas how to authenticate it?