Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX)
A specialized pericyte located within the basement membrane of blood capillaries. This cell is characterized by its ability to produce and release a variety of bioactive molecules, collectively known as the pericyte secretome.
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Preferred term label Secretory pericyte
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Definition (free text, with reference(s), please. PubMed ID format is PMID:XXXXXX) A specialized pericyte located within the basement membrane of blood capillaries. This cell is characterized by its ability to produce and release a variety of bioactive molecules, collectively known as the pericyte secretome.
Parent cell type term (check the hierarchy here Pericyte
Anatomical structure where the cell type is found (check Uberon for anatomical structures: connective tissue
Your ORCID 0009-0005-7919-4905
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