Move all the constant functions in CNN training into a .py file (or more than one eventually -- e.g. training dataset creation, model architecture setup, model evaluation, etc)
CNN complex arithmetic problem
same as above
Super-resolution problem
Super-resolve only AeroBulk input values, not the ones I got off my function analysis
Compare HR and LR images for each input
Use a much larger set of training data
Very different magnitudes for each input problem --> try normalizing beforehand
divide everything by order of magnitude (e.g. mean, std) so values end up around 1
Plot loss curves for training and testing data together
AeroBulk ANN replacement
Increase training data size
General NN trials
How do lr and normalization relate?
Multiply targets by N --> see if training losses differ for different Ns
Read online about this
For CNNs, increase batch size (eventually)
Keeping track of different NN training experiments
Weights and biases (package and website)
Set up Zotero
Update diagnostics proposal
Meet with Dhurv ahead of time to discuss Chp. 4 presentation topics
CNN addition problem
CNN complex arithmetic problem
Super-resolution problem
AeroBulk ANN replacement
General NN trials
Keeping track of different NN training experiments
Set up Zotero
Update diagnostics proposal
Meet with Dhurv ahead of time to discuss Chp. 4 presentation topics