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Update daobot vm with latest snapshot functionality #623

Open idiom-bytes opened 2 years ago

idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago


A new snapshot library was released and our current way of singing proposals broke. https://docs.snapshot.org/snapshot.js#init-client

Further, there are other small issues happening with gsheets


idiom-bytes commented 2 years ago

I haven't taken this properly, to full completion.

  1. The ballot deployment should now return a new parameter (i.e. proposalHash) which is the new url for the ballot .....officialoceandao.eth/proposal/0x25a5b07b3712a40cd759d8498701058854baf8564df21e70e98f397224ae865c

I have created a new airtable column called proposalHash, copied from the url, and updated the code base to utilize this.

  1. We still need to disable the gsheet dump to clear all errors

  2. We should deprecate the marketplace strategies from snapshot, or update them to point to the v4 subgraph

Generally, we're unwinding grants & voting, so who knows what things will look like if we get back to this in the future. Spend as little time as possible.