ocornut / imgui

Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
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Wiki page about the IMGUI paradigm #3815

Open ocornut opened 3 years ago

ocornut commented 3 years ago

I drafted an article here: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/About-the-IMGUI-paradigm

It's not much of a definition, almost a non-definition. This thread is a place for us to discuss its contents and how we could move it forward. This is not an article about Dear ImGui (but will refer to it)

It's been frustrating to witness the amount of misunderstanding, misleading or incorrect statements written on the internet about this. I would hope we over time can draft a simple article that would help dissipate many of the misunderstandings.

I also hope that we can make it clear that there are a lots of things yet to explore and improve in UI programming land, and Dear ImGui as of today is only a fraction of what could be achieved.


Let's find a new meaning for the "IM" letters and pretend it always have been that?

Idiomatically Marvelous Graphical User Interface Incredibly Magic Graphical User Interface Infamously Misunderstood Graphical User Interface Intuitive & Malleable Graphical User Interface

PathogenDavid commented 3 years ago

Infamously Misunderstood Graphical User Interface

😄 This gets my vote

Maybe you can just change what the IM stands for with every release.

This will be a great resource to share with people who want to learn more about the philosophy behind Dear ImGui and similar libraries.

I think it would be useful to add a tiny paragraph to the very beginning clarifying that this article is about the IMGUI paradigm/philosophy with some noteworthy examples. Anyone who reads the whole thing will get that, but I'm worried about those who will skim. Something along the lines of:

This page describes the general concept of the IMGUI paradigm, of which Dear ImGui is one such implementation. Some other prominent examples include Nuklear and Unity's editor UI.

(Unity's IMGUI system can be used in-game too, but it's generally associated with being used for editor stuff. So that wording could be considered misleading. Unity has three different UI systems and only one of them is an IMGUI.)

heroboy commented 3 years ago

Is react IMGUI? Especally the function component.

If I draw all things in the windows WM_PAINT message, is it the IMGUI?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Maybe the most clarifying thing is the difference between the usage of these two paradigms, in code. It's what gave me my first "a-ha" moment, at any rate. Perhaps a starting point for understanding could be a contrasting retained mode example to compare against the imgui approach, such as the following pseudocode:

func callback:
  print("Button click! Message: " + inputText.getText())

func setupGui:
  TextBox inputText = gui.createTextBox(x1, y1, w1, h1)
  Button submit = gui.createButton(x2, y2, w2, h2, "Submit")
  submit.onClick = callback

func cleanupGui:

func processInput input:
  foreach item in gui.items()

func drawGui:
  foreach item in gui.items().sortByZ()


string message

func doGui input:
  gui.textBox(input, x1, y1, w1, h1, message)
  if gui.button(input, x2, y2, w2, h2, "Submit") then
    print("Button click! Message: " + message)

To me at least, this pretty clearly shows that "imgui means zero state!" is a bit misleading -- what is the message variable, other than state? And yet, the imgui approach is obviously quite different. "Read on to learn more..."

I'm thinking of this like learning calculus. For some people, it's easier to start with "dx just means 'a little bit of x'" rather than the limit theorem, and progress from there (you'll eventually get to the limit theorem anyway). Likewise, it might easier to start with this simple example of the imgui vs. rmgui approaches, and then walk through progressively more complex examples with commentary along the way.

Xiliusha commented 3 years ago

Chinese Translation (WIP), I'll keep it up to date:


这只是一份半成品、草稿 | 本文讨论





从现在开始,IMGUI将代表“Incredibly Magic Graphics User Interface”(难以置信的魔法图形用户界面) :)



首字母缩写IMGUI是由Casey Muratori在2005年的这段视频中创造的:

“我还看到很多人争论即时模式和保留模式的GUI api。我认为这与IMGUI概念的简单程度有关,因为它会让人们认为自己理解了它,然后就会进入激烈的争论,就好像他们真的知道自己在说什么一样。当我谈论任何稍微复杂的东西时,比如四元数,我很少看到这个问题。”



“我希望在这个领域有更多激进的实验” tweet




@ocornut 对定义的尝试(半成品,2021)


这与典型的RMGUI(“retained-mode UI”,保留模式UI)相比:






Vurtun 的捧场文章


@vurtun 在2019年4月那会痛诉道:

”我通常不喜欢提到即时模式UI(immediate mode UI),因为关于它们有很多先入为主的概念。解决所有这些问题是困难的,因为这通常是必需的,因为它们都是同时抛出的。例如,一个概念的单一实现并不能定义一个概念(Dear ImGui是一个不是所有的IMGUI都像Dear ImGui一样的即时模式UI)。

所有可以用“保留”模式GUI完成的事情都可以通过立即模式GUI完成(在这一点上我讨厌整个划分)。然后是状态。出于某些原因,就像Andrew已经说过的,我经常看到人们混淆了立即模式意味着无状态。立即模式与状态如何存储或是否存储无关。GUI中的立即模式并不会去除两种数据表示。一个在调用的地方,一个在库中。即使是Dear ImGui和Nuclear都有自己的内部状态。立即模式的核心是如何更新状态。在经典的GUI中,应用程序的状态通过修改与GUI状态同步。另一方面,立即模式更接近于函数式编程。所有先前的状态都是不可变的,新的状态只能通过获取以前的状态并应用新的更改来生成,而不是变化的状态。在Dear ImGui和Nuclear中都很少有之前的状态,大多数都是建立在每一“帧”上。

接下来处理小部件事件(按下、点击、……)。立即模式与事件无关,与轮询输入更改无关。if (button(...)) 以方便著称。您甚至可以保留使用轮询而不是事件的库。

然后是“即时模式捆绑了布局,输入和渲染”。再说一次,只有Dear ImGui和Nuclear才这么做。在这一点上,我所有的IMGUI们都有多个通道。例如,如果我缓存布局的状态(布局,输入,渲染)。输入或渲染通道的任何更改都将跳转回布局。如果我不缓存布局的状态,我仍然有两个通道(输入,渲染),以防止故障。为了确保性能不成问题,我确保只更新那些实际可见的元素,这对数据结构(列表、树)很重要。不可见的小部件不仅没有呈现,也没有布局或输入处理。在当前实现中,它们甚至不会被遍历。

我听到的另一个争论是,立即模式不能于面向对象(OOP)一起使用。虽然我试图远离这个术语,因为它有太多的含义,基本上是没有讨论价值的,但我在来龙去脉中听到的是小部件的可组合性。再一次,仅仅因为Dear ImGui和Nuclear没有,并不意味着它必须是或者甚至应该是那样。例如,我们工作中的IMGUI支持可组合性,就像保留模式UI们一样,你可以把任何小部件放在任何其他小部件中。想要一个滑块在一个选项卡中,你可以组合它们(在这种情况下,这也说不通)。



最后是状态处理。对于游戏来说,这就容易多了,因为大多数状态都是预先知道的,并且可以预先分配。对于工具UI,它有点复杂。首先,可以为每个小部件设置状态。这就是我们目前在keen core所做的。状态本身在生命周期中被跟踪,如果不再使用则释放。然而,真正可能的是拥有窗口、视图的概念并管理库外的状态。我的意思是一个带有内容的选项卡窗口。例如,日志视图或场景视图存储了UI所需的所有状态和实际所需的数据(日志视图的日志条目)。与其尝试在小部件级别上进行状态处理,不如在视图本身中进行状态管理更有意义,因为与实际的小部件不同,视图本身具有很容易跟踪的生存期。澄清一下,库API中的视图只是一个句柄,而实际的视图实现将存储状态。



neopolitans commented 8 months ago

I'm a student in my last year doing Games Programming and I've often found it hard to explain to others around me parts of Immediate-Mode GUI as a whole. Honestly, even as a draft, this wiki page is excellent from my point of view. It encapsulates a lot of information and outlines a lot of misconceptions.

I wish I could contribute more to Dear Imgui but thank you all for making and drafting this wiki page.