It would be nice to have a separate GitHub action to be launched on tags (v*), which would create a release with corresponding artifacts.
An alternative approach is to create a draft release gh action which would create draft releases when PRs are merged to master. implements that strategy.
GitHub Draft releases won’t be seen by the public unless they are published.
It doesn't scan previous PRs. In other words, only after merging Draft Release configuration it begins to aggregate new PRs. The first 0.0.1 release should be created manually.
GitHub Actions links:
GitHub API docs:
It would be nice to have a separate GitHub action to be launched on tags (v*), which would create a release with corresponding artifacts.
An alternative approach is to create a draft release gh action which would create draft releases when PRs are merged to master. implements that strategy.
GitHub Draft releases won’t be seen by the public unless they are published. requires a config file to be submitted first to master in order to add gh action. Thus, at least two PRs are required.
Labels for each PR should be set properly in order to make correct categories in releases