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is there a recommended way to use enterprise edition? #404

Open psy0rz opened 2 years ago

psy0rz commented 2 years ago

I just pointed it to an enterprise directory that i map to /opt/odoo and modified entrypoint to use it.

Is there a better way?

dbodine42 commented 2 years ago

I've been using it that way since Odoo 12 with no issues... I may try the method below when we upgrade to Odoo 15

Maybe there's a security benefit to doing it this way? Since your container isn't mounting a directory on your host.

* unzip the enterprise modules in a directory on your host
* bind mount that directory and create a new named volume in a temporary container
* copy all files from the mounted directory to the named volume in the temporary container
* remove/delete the temporary container
* mount the named volume in your odoo container
* update your odoo.conf with the mount of your named volume in the container.
psy0rz commented 2 years ago

well the docker way of doing it would be to build an new image with the official image as FROM and then COPY the files in that image, i think?

and just use that image to start the container.

i just was wondering if there was an officially recommended way or something like that.

lathama commented 3 months ago

@psy0rz that is a good question

So I went to read the instructions at https://www.odoo.com/documentation/17.0/administration/on_premise/community_to_enterprise.html#on-linux-using-the-source-code and it looks like you can copy to the addons directory like https://github.com/docker-library/docs/blob/master/odoo/content.md#mount-custom-addons

The rest of the installation could be done by overriding the entrypoint. I suppose we need some better instructions and some features added to make this easier.