odoo / docker

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getting error 99 Cannot assign requested address in outgoing email server - Odoo 17.0 Community Edition #485

Closed jartavia05 closed 2 months ago

jartavia05 commented 5 months ago

Impacted versions:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run Odoo docker 17.0 in debian 12 server with default nginx configuration.
  2. Create a new outgoing email server
  3. Set up a gmail account using username/password and/or OAuth Gmail (is happening in both)
  4. Click Test connection

Note: The exact same configuration is working in older odoo dockers. Already tested with odoo 12.

Current behavior:


Expected behavior:

lathama commented 3 months ago

Can you share your docker command and or docker-compose.yml here?

jartavia05 commented 2 months ago

I already resolved the issue. It was a port blocking in the cloud side. They open the port and magically everything works.