Open oggy22 opened 3 years ago
1,2,7 - Major/minor scale, minor melodic 1,2,8 - C,C#,D#,E,F#,G,A,Bb,C - the only 8tone scale 1,3,6 - 2 augmented triads, ?, ? 1,3,7 - harmonic minor 1,3,8 2,2,6 - whole tone scale 2,3,5 - pentatonic, GBDFA 2,4,5 - whole tone scale minus tone 2,5,3 - Sus CDG 2,5,4 - Major+second CDEG, Minor+second CDEbG 2,6,4 - FGAB 2,4,4 - Augmented triad plus tone CDEG#, major7 3,3,4 - diminished 3,6,3 - diminished 4,4,3 - Augmented CEG#
Given min&max interval and tones generate all possibilities for scales and chords.