ohbm / OpenScienceDemoCalls

A collection of resources for the Open Science Demo Calls
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Create guide for the host #16

Open KirstieJane opened 6 years ago

KirstieJane commented 6 years ago

I have a lot of ideas in my head about how to host the demo calls but it's always nice to have some notes!

Please comment here if you have anything you think should be included in the intro or closing comments for the host.

For example, do we need to thank anyone (except the guests of course?!)

Notes so far:

emdupre commented 6 years ago

This looks great to me ! There's also the google calendar, but if that's too much to talk about online you could always point them back to the repo for more information 😄

KirstieJane commented 6 years ago

I'm going to roll this over to Feb's milestone.

We should also add some suggestions on what to do when there are technical problems!

KirstieJane commented 6 years ago

Need to add a to do list for prepping the call: