ohnosequences / sbt-s3-resolver

:cloud:Amazon S3-based resolver for sbt
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Roundtrip to S3 fails with Dynamic Revisions #31

Closed aecollver closed 10 years ago

aecollver commented 10 years ago

Observed Behavior

I found that the fm-sbt-s3-resolver is creating a "directory" object in S3 (an empty object that has a key ending in "/"). Creating the same "directory" object from the AWS console allows Ivy to resolve a module published to S3 using sbt-s3-resolver.

Ivy's FileRepository returns a mix of directory and file names (but one level deep unlike the S3 listObjects overload that is currently used): https://github.com/sbt/ivy/blob/2.3.x-sbt/src/java/org/apache/ivy/plugins/repository/file/FileRepository.java#L99-L112

Proposed Fix

Update https://github.com/ohnosequences/ivy-s3-resolver/blob/master/src/main/java/ohnosequences/ivy/S3Repository.java#L114-L133

aecollver commented 10 years ago

Here's an untested implementation of the proposed fix:


aecollver commented 10 years ago

I have verified that my proposed fix works with both specific and dynamic versions.

aecollver commented 10 years ago

I created a pull request for this issue. Apologies for creating the issue against sbt-s3-resolver when the proposed fix belongs in ivy-s3-resolver:


aecollver commented 10 years ago

I updated my pull request to support pagination with AmazonS3.listObject

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

Hi @acollver! Thanks a lot! Actually, I wanted this feature too, but didn't know how to implement it and didn't have time to investigate. The ivy-s3-resolver is maintained by @evdokim, but he's too busy now to review the code, so I'll just merge it and release a new version.

laughedelic commented 10 years ago

I just released the new version with the fix: v0.12.0.