Resetting an active Okta SMS factor using the UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync with removeEnrollmentRecovery = true, the SMS factor status is set to "NOT_SETUP", but the registered phone number is not removed. As a result, when re-enrolling the SMS factor with the same phone number, the factor is set to "ACTIVE" with no passcode sent or verified.
await _userFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync(userId, factorId, removeEnrollmentRecovery: true);
Using the Reset Factor API directly with the "removeRecoveryEnrollment" query parameter successfully deletes the stored phone number. {{url}}/api/v1/users/{{userId}}/factors/{{factorId}}?removeRecoveryEnrollment=true
What is expected to happen?
Using UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync with removeEnrollmentRecovery = true should delete the registered phone number in addition to setting the SMS factor status to "NOT_SETUP".
What is the actual behavior?
The SMS factor status is set to "NOT_SETUP", but the registered phone number is not deleted.
Reproduction Steps?
Enroll and activate the Okta SMS factor using any valid method
UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorWithHttpInfoAsync sets the query parameter "removeEnrollmentRecovery", but the Factor API docs list the parameter as "removeRecoveryEnrollment".
Describe the bug?
Resetting an active Okta SMS factor using the UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync with removeEnrollmentRecovery = true, the SMS factor status is set to "NOT_SETUP", but the registered phone number is not removed. As a result, when re-enrolling the SMS factor with the same phone number, the factor is set to "ACTIVE" with no passcode sent or verified.
await _userFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync(userId, factorId, removeEnrollmentRecovery: true);
Using the Reset Factor API directly with the "removeRecoveryEnrollment" query parameter successfully deletes the stored phone number.
What is expected to happen?
Using UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync with removeEnrollmentRecovery = true should delete the registered phone number in addition to setting the SMS factor status to "NOT_SETUP".
What is the actual behavior?
The SMS factor status is set to "NOT_SETUP", but the registered phone number is not deleted.
Reproduction Steps?
await _userFactorApi.DeleteFactorAsync(userId, factorId, removeEnrollmentRecovery: true);
{ "factorType": "sms", "provider": "OKTA", "vendorName": "OKTA", "_links": { "enroll": { "href": "{{userId}}/factors", "hints": { "allow": [ "POST" ] } } }, "status": "NOT_SETUP", "enrollment": "OPTIONAL", "_embedded": { "phones": [ { "id": "{{factorId}}", "profile": { "phoneNumber": "+12125551212" }, "status": "ACTIVE" } ] } }
Additional Information?
UserFactorApi.DeleteFactorWithHttpInfoAsync sets the query parameter "removeEnrollmentRecovery", but the Factor API docs list the parameter as "removeRecoveryEnrollment".
localVarRequestOptions.QueryParameters.Add(Okta.Sdk.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToMultiMap("", "removeEnrollmentRecovery", removeEnrollmentRecovery));
Factors | Okta Developer
.NET Version
.NET Framework 4.8.4614.0
SDK Version
OS version
BuildNumber Caption OSArchitecture Version 14393 Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 64-bit 10.0.14393