olback / es6-css-minify

Easily minify CSS and JavaScript in VS Code
MIT License
47 stars 13 forks source link

Settings file #67

Closed ToHe86 closed 5 years ago

ToHe86 commented 5 years ago


sorry for this maybe newb question: Where can I adjust the settings? I want to specify the path where the minified .js and .css are saved but don't get it working.

Thank you

olback commented 5 years ago
  1. Click the cog in the bottom left.
  2. Click 'Settings' in the list that pops up.
  3. Search for es6-css-minify or JS & CSS Minifier (both works).

Now you should see all available settings. In your case you'd want to change 'CSS Min Path' and 'JS Min Path'.

All settings beginning with Es6-CSS-minify is settings provided by this extension.

ToHe86 commented 5 years ago

Very nice thank you :)