olliiiver / esp_lte_modem

ESP32 / esp-idf LTE UART modem library for sim7600 with cmux support
MIT License
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SIM7600 #5

Open grivera90 opened 2 years ago

grivera90 commented 2 years ago

Hi!, i have a problem with sms example. In my code i´m use esp-idf v4.3.2 and ppp work OK, but when add the code for sms never take the semaphore here:

static esp_err_t esp_modem_dte_send_cmd(modem_dte_t dte, const char command, uint32_t timeout) { esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL; modem_dce_t dce = dte->dce; MODEM_CHECK(dce, "DTE has not yet bind with DCE", err); MODEM_CHECK(command, "command is NULL", err); esp_modem_dte_t esp_dte = __containerof(dte, esp_modem_dte_t, parent); / Calculate timeout clock tick / / Reset runtime information / dce->state = MODEM_STATE_PROCESSING; / Send command via UART / uart_write_bytes(esp_dte->uart_port, command, strlen(command)); / Check timeout / MODEM_CHECK(xSemaphoreTake(esp_dte->process_sem, pdMS_TO_TICKS(timeout)) == pdTRUE, "process command timeout", err); ret = ESP_OK; err: dce->handle_line = NULL; return ret; }

do you know whats the problem?.