Closed simonlynen closed 10 years ago
I have created branch patch-2 and added this change 94ce3a66450baabc28e2e2d4d8b2c40eb3d2778f
Could someone please test this change in android studio 0.8.x ?
I tested the change in studio 0.8.2 and here is what I get.
A problem occurred configuring root project 'rostango'.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'. Could not resolve org.ros.rosjava_bootstrap:gradle_plugins:0.1.22. Required by: :rostango:unspecified
java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Weird, try changing line 36 in rostango/build.gradle to:
classpath group: 'org.ros.rosjava_bootstrap', name: 'gradle_plugins', version: '[0.1,0.2)'
Still get an error, here it is.
Could not find any version that matches org.ros.rosjava_bootstrap:gradle_plugins:[0.1,0.2). Required by: :rostango:unspecified
Did you run catkin_make
cd <Root Of Repository>/ROSTango
Are you in the patch-2 branch, i haven't pushed the changes to the master branch yet, 0.8.x will only work on the patch-2 branch.
Because of an incompatibility between studio 0.6.1 and 0.9 it is not possible to use the projects from this repo with a recent android studio version. I am happy helping with this.