omega8cc / boa

Barracuda Octopus Aegir 5.4.0
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SSL Certificates Not Renewing #1817

Open g33k-g1rl opened 2 days ago

g33k-g1rl commented 2 days ago

Hi there,

I just had an issue come up with several websites that are nondrupal which I am using the work around of creating a dummy site to get an SSL certificate.

Each site when I try to renew has this error: [hosting_le] The LE Certificate attempted creation failed in /data/disk/oct/tools/le/certs/ warning [hosting_le] Make sure that all aliases have valid DNS names pointing to your instance IP address. warning [hosting_le] The alternative is to disable SAN mode for this site with empty ctrl file: /data/disk/oct/static/control/

I confirmed the DNS information is correct (and the www alias too), but now none of the SSL certificates for these websites will renew.

I tried creating a site in the same platform and enabling SSL, with the same error.

omega8cc commented 2 days ago

Can you post the result of boa info please?

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velpan commented 2 days ago

Check the Verify site in Aegir Control Panel. SSL renews during Verify procedure. For me once, Verify can not run due to lack of Disk space (over 90% used)

omega8cc commented 1 day ago

@EdNett Please refrain from posting comments in this thread and avoid hijacking discussions initiated by others. Kindly open a new thread for your own topic to keep the conversation organized and remove all your comments here.

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omega8cc commented 1 day ago

@g33k-g1rl Please be aware that this is an old trick which is not tested anymore. It may still work, but only if your custom vhosts don’t confuse Aegir and LE extension on Verify and during auto-renewal by the BOA backend tasks. So it really depends on how your custom vhost are named (filenames) because it should make them loaded before vhosts Aegir manages.

omega8cc commented 1 day ago

@g33k-g1rl Please post your custom vhost example so we could take a look.