omrips / viewstl

Viewstl Javascript plugin - STL/OBJ 3D files Viewer by
MIT License
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Volume is not calculated #32

Open tjasa-karas opened 10 months ago

tjasa-karas commented 10 months ago

Hello, i have noticed that the get_info function returns a null value. i believe that there is a problem with one of the libraries. this is the code i've used to try and acess the volume and other info using the get_model_info() method.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Viewstl Javascript Plugin - Simple Example
omrips commented 10 months ago

Hi, sorry for the late response, you have to wait the model to load before calc its volume, please use "ready_callback" option, like this:

var stl_viewer=new StlViewer
stl_viewer.add_model({id:0, filename:"mystl.stl"});

function loaded_callback()
       alert( JSON.stringify(stl_viewer.get_model_info(0)) );

BTW. you don't need to load all of the libs above, only stl_viewer.min.js

tjasa-karas commented 10 months ago

Hello thank you so much! I figured it out after a day so its okej :)

I tried to access the volume setting through another domain called i uploaded a file on that domain and tried to calculate its volume but when i run the code, i get an error saying that the web worker couldnt be constructed. Do you maybe know how to fix this issue?

omrips commented 9 months ago

please post the log here (with Chrome do ctrl+shift+j)

tjasa-karas commented 9 months ago

tjasa-karas commented 9 months ago


run_debug.js:662 Element Volumecalculator(testing) A - The plugin STL parser (testing) / element Volume calculator (testing) threw the following error: Error: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at '' cannot be accessed from origin ''.
    at StlViewer.load_from_stl_file (
    at StlViewer.load_model ( (please check your plugin's code)


<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="stl_cont" style="width:1350px;height:800px;margin:0 auto;background-color:#909090;"></div>
function(instance, context) {
    function stl_loaded()


    var stl_viewer=new StlViewer

                {id:0, filename:"//"},

omrips commented 9 months ago

It can't load some js files for some reason, try to load them manually: three.min.js stl_viewer.min.js parser.min.js load_stl.min.js webgl_detector.js CanvasRenderer.js OrbitControls.js TrackballControls.js Projector.js

and set "load_three_files:false" at the init options