omz / AppSales-Mobile

App Sales allows iPhone and Mac App Store developers to download and analyze their daily and weekly sales reports from iTunes Connect.
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"The application does not have a valid signature" #57

Closed HemiMG closed 13 years ago

HemiMG commented 14 years ago

I'm getting the error in the title when I try to build and install the latest version. I have my certificates and and provisioning profiles all in order. The error is also different from the one when a certificate or provisioning profile is incorrect. In searching the web for the problem, the most common (there are only 2 google pages of results) is that the Resources folder contains a subfolder named resources, or a duplicate file. Neither one of these seems to be the case in AppSales-Mobile. Has anyone else experienced this? The app will compile and install on the iPod fine, but then it crashes after displaying the background image (and no other UI elements) for a few seconds. It is when I try to run it a second (or any subsequent) time that I get the error popping up in XCode, and the XCode Organizer. My certificates and profiles are definitely fine because they've worked flawlessly on previous version and neither of them have expired yet. It's pretty frustrating to have a problem that even Google has so limited info on.

mpatric commented 14 years ago

Yep, I'm getting the same error when trying to run it on my iPhone. I've deployed previous versions of AppSales-Mobile without issues and I'm able to run other projects fine. Looking into it..

mpatric commented 14 years ago

I got it to work. I changed the Code Signing Entity on both the Project Info panel and the Target Info panel to my developer certificate. It was set to 'iPhone Developer', so should have selected my certificate - not sure why it didn't. After a clean and build, it deployed fine.

HemiMG commented 14 years ago

Hmmm, that still doesn't work for me. I've tried setting both to the automatic selection and setting both to the specific certificate, and clean and building each time. Still getting the same error ;-(

ghost commented 14 years ago

I've seen this problem caused by changing signing profiles.

try removing any existing AppSales installation on your device, reinstall, and that should fix it.

HemiMG commented 14 years ago

Hmm. None of the fixes are working. I tried removing it and reinstalling (reluctantly, as it means all of my sales for the past year have been erased from the program) and that didn't fix it. I tried changing to the default compiler from LLVM and doing a clean build, and that didn't fix it. I tried signing the code with a development profile that functions with other apps, and that didn't work. The big kicker came when I tried to install the OLD version of the app, which worked fine, and even that didn't work. So, the problem is clearly on my end, but other apps install and run just fine. I've had to renew my developer account since the last time I installed it, so I am using a new certificate, but I don't see how that could break anything. Especially not since anything else is broke. Sigh, I guess I'm stuck with using Appviz exclusively. Even that fails to download the reports for me most days and I have to do it manually. I don't know why Apple can't just leave well enough alone. The constant changes to the store that affect third party programs are getting a bit annoying.

ghost commented 14 years ago

@HemiMG try my branch, as I just made a change to the project settings that might help

ihilgert commented 14 years ago

Deleting the Dev.profile from the Organizer solved the problem for me (i also use a different Identifier, that should be also updated to the correct version, matching your certificate). Also set the right profile for both Code Signing Identity and Any iOS Device at target and Project Settings.

With a good dev profile, it should work.

finder39 commented 13 years ago

I, no matter what i do, cannot get this on to my device :/

ghost commented 13 years ago

I ran into this problem, and found it was caused by multiple dev certificates installed in xcode.

@finder39 check under xcode organizer, and verify there is only a single dev certificate, and that your device is assigned to just that cert. Remove any extra or expired certs, remove App Sales from your device, clean the xcode build directory (delete the 'build' directory from AppSales directory), then build and run.

finder39 commented 13 years ago

for me i can't even build it, as soon as i try it gives me an error with this message

"Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain"

ghost commented 13 years ago

Are you using a wildcard certificate (? name space, instead of com.whatever.?)? Do other projects compile correctly?

finder39 commented 13 years ago

no i'm not, its all standard

ever other app works perfectly :/

check your messages i sent you one with contact info, i really want to solve this before my mac app comes out if i can

ghost commented 13 years ago

If you don't have a wildcard certificate, then you'll need to change the bundle identifier in info.plist to something inside your certificates namespace.

finder39 commented 13 years ago

I already have.


and i have created a provisioning profile for development for it

still nothing :/

finder39 commented 13 years ago

got it, had to do some bull with the itunes provisioning thingy :/

beforeold commented 9 years ago

Unbelivable, I ran into this issue too, but still stuck.

rsnitsch commented 8 years ago

You can get a more detailed error message in the device log. In XCode: Window -> Devices -> Select your device -> At the bottom there is an error log with detailed information.

For example in my case it outputs something like this: Failed to install application at file:///var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging ... : Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "(null)" UserInfo={Error=ApplicationVerificationFailed, ErrorDetail=-402620391, ErrorDescription=Failed to verify code signature of /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008019 (The application does not have a valid signature.)}