onaio / gisida

JavaScript library that converts MapSpec layers to beautiful, interactive maps using Mapbox GL
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Check if gisida sites using oauth are working as expected #497

Open samwata opened 3 years ago

samwata commented 3 years ago

We have had issues with gisida sites using oauth forms where it throws 404 error when logging in. The reason why we are getting this error is that we are linking a form to self so that to get a public CSV that we use to check permissions before a user logs in. The returned CSV from a form linked to itself throws 404 error even when accessing the file from Ona. Deleting the linked file and relinking the form again does not seem to solve the issue

The process we have been using to solve the issue

  1. Download the form from help project on onasupport
  2. Export the CSV file from the form
  3. Upload the form to a project in client's account
  4. Import the exported CSV using import CSV feature to the newly uploaded form
  5. Give at least Can View and Download permissions to all users in that CSV you exported to a project where you uploaded the form
  6. Link the form to itself so that you can generate a live link to CSV file format to that form
  7. Give the ID of the linked CSV to a gisida technical team to change the oauth file in site config and deploy

The following are the sites that we need to confirm if they are working correctly

Task: Check if you can log into the following sites