ondes / Template-Latex-ITU-Thesis

LaTeX Template of Istanbul Technical University thesis projects
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There is a curly braces error in Onay page #15

Closed CumaliTurkmenoglu closed 3 years ago

CumaliTurkmenoglu commented 3 years ago

The boldened curly braces should be removed otherwise the part within appears after the second part that starts with "student ID..."

{\th@isimsoyisim}, { a} \if@Doktora { Ph.D.}\ \fi  \if@YuksekLisans  { M.Sc.}\ \fi \if@Lisans { B.Sc.}\ \fi student of
ITU~\if@YuksekLisans **{** \th@Institute~\th@Instituteiki\ \fi \if@Doktora \th@Institute~\th@Instituteiki\ \fi \if@Lisans \if@ElektrikElektronik \th@Institute~\th@Instituteiki \fi \fi **}** student ID \th@ogrencino,\ successfully defended the {\if@Lisans graduation project\ \fi \if@YuksekLisans thesis\ \fi \if@Doktora dissertation\ \fi}entitled {``{\Baslikbir\ifthenelse{\equal{\Baslikiki}{}}{}{
\Baslikuc}}}''}, which he/she prepared after fulfilling the requirements specified in the associated legislations, before the jury whose signatures are below.
ondes commented 3 years ago

Thanks for informing us. I updated the class file accordingly.