oneHamidreza / MeowBottomNavigation

Android Meow Bottm Navigation
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add 1.3.1 Dependencies Not Working Properly #79

Open sirajthorsignia opened 3 years ago

sirajthorsignia commented 3 years ago

Hi, last few days I am searching Bottom Navigation Bar for looking good. at finally I find your GitHub link but when I am adding your dependencies flowing your ReadMe File but it's showing lot of errors not working properly after i search into google i got your previous dependencies "1.0.0". I add old Dependencies it's working fine. can you please check your latest Dependencies error and ratify. I got error bellow code :

<com.etebarian.meowbottomnavigation.MeowBottomNavigation android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:mbn_circleColor="#ffffff" app:mbn_backgroundBottomColor="#ffffff" app:mbn_countBackgroundColor="#ff6f00" app:mbn_countTextColor="#ffffff" app:mbn_countTypeface="fonts/SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf" app:mbn_defaultIconColor="#90a4ae" app:mbn_rippleColor="#2f424242" app:mbn_selectedIconColor="#3c415e" app:mbn_shadowColor="#1f212121" app:mbn_hasAnimation="true" />

Error message: `Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.

A failure occurred while executing$ActionFacade Android resource linking failed F:\LeadManagement\Project\LeadManagement\app\src\main\res\layout\activity_main.xml:87: AAPT: error: attribute mbn_hasAnimation (aka com.example.project:mbn_hasAnimation) not found.`

Thank You,

baudelioandalon commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem

Chronostyle commented 3 years ago

just remove this part app:mbn_hasAnimation="true", and the error will be gone, it still has animation without that part