onelogin / terraform-provider-onelogin

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terraform provider onelogin

This guide lists the configuration for 'onelogin' Terraform provider resources that can be managed using Terraform v0.12.

Provider Installation

Note: As of Terraform >= 0.13 each Terraform module must declare which providers it requires, so that Terraform can install and use them. If you are using Terraform >= 0.13, copy into your .tf file the following snippet already populated with the provider configuration:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    onelogin = {
      source  = "onelogin/onelogin"
      version = ">= 0.4.7"

Provider Configuration

Example Usage

provider "onelogin" {
 apikey_auth = "..."

Provider Resources


Example usage

resource "onelogin_apps" "my_apps"{
    connector_id = 1234
    name = "name"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_apps.my_apps.sso[0].object_property)

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_apps.my_apps.sso[0].object_property)


apps resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_apps.my_apps id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_apps_rules" "my_apps_rules"{
    apps_id = "apps_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


apps_rules resources can be imported using the id . This is a sub-resource so the parent resource IDs ([apps_id]) are required to be able to retrieve an instance of this resource, e.g:

terraform import onelogin_apps_rules.my_apps_rules apps_id/apps_rules_id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_auth_servers" "my_auth_servers"{
    configuration {

    audiences = ["audiences1", "audiences2"]

    resource_identifier = "resource_identifier"
    description = "description"
    name = "name"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_auth_servers.my_auth_servers.configuration[0].object_property)

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_auth_servers.my_auth_servers.configuration[0].object_property)


auth_servers resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_auth_servers.my_auth_servers id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_privileges" "my_privileges"{
    name = "name"
    privilege {


Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_privileges.my_privileges.privilege[0].object_property)

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_privileges.my_privileges.privilege[0].object_property)


privileges resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_privileges.my_privileges id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_risk_rules" "my_risk_rules"{

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_risk_rules.my_risk_rules.source[0].object_property)

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_risk_rules.my_risk_rules.source[0].object_property)


risk_rules resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_risk_rules.my_risk_rules id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_roles" "my_roles"{
    name = "name"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


roles resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_roles.my_roles id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_users" "my_users"{

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


users resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_users.my_users id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.


Example usage

resource "onelogin_users_v1" "my_users_v1"{

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


users_v1 resources can be imported using the id , e.g:

terraform import onelogin_users_v1.my_users_v1 id

Note: In order for the import to work, the 'onelogin' terraform provider must be properly installed. Read more about Terraform import usage here.

Data Sources (using resource id)


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_instance" "my_apps_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_apps_instance.my_apps_instance.enforcement_point[0].object_property)


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_rules_instance" "my_apps_rules_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_auth_servers_instance" "my_auth_servers_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_auth_servers_instance.my_auth_servers_instance.configuration[0].object_property)


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_privileges_instance" "my_privileges_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_privileges_instance.my_privileges_instance.privilege[0].object_property)


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_risk_rules_instance" "my_risk_rules_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_risk_rules_instance.my_risk_rules_instance.source[0].object_property)


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_roles_instance" "my_roles_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_instance" "my_users_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:


Retrieve an existing resource using it's ID

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_v1_instance" "my_users_v1_instance"{
    id = "existing_resource_id"

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

Data Sources (using filters)

onelogin_apps (filters)

The apps data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps" "my_apps"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_apps.my_apps.enforcement_point[0].object_property)

onelogin_apps_actions (filters)

The apps_actions data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_actions resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_actions" "my_apps_actions"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_apps_actions_values (filters)

The apps_actions_values data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_actions_values resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_actions_values" "my_apps_actions_values"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_apps_conditions (filters)

The apps_conditions data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_conditions resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_conditions" "my_apps_conditions"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_apps_conditions_operators (filters)

The apps_conditions_operators data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_conditions_operators resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_conditions_operators" "my_apps_conditions_operators"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_apps_rules (filters)

The apps_rules data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_rules resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_rules" "my_apps_rules"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_apps_users (filters)

The apps_users data source allows you to retrieve an already existing apps_users resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_apps_users" "my_apps_users"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_auth_servers (filters)

The auth_servers data source allows you to retrieve an already existing auth_servers resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_auth_servers" "my_auth_servers"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_auth_servers.my_auth_servers.configuration[0].object_property)

onelogin_auth_servers_claims (filters)

The auth_servers_claims data source allows you to retrieve an already existing auth_servers_claims resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_auth_servers_claims" "my_auth_servers_claims"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_auth_servers_scopes (filters)

The auth_servers_scopes data source allows you to retrieve an already existing auth_servers_scopes resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_auth_servers_scopes" "my_auth_servers_scopes"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_mappings (filters)

The mappings data source allows you to retrieve an already existing mappings resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_mappings" "my_mappings"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_privileges (filters)

The privileges data source allows you to retrieve an already existing privileges resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_privileges" "my_privileges"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_privileges.my_privileges.privilege[0].object_property)

onelogin_risk_rules (filters)

The risk_rules data source allows you to retrieve an already existing risk_rules resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_risk_rules" "my_risk_rules"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

* Note: Object type properties are internally represented (in the state file) as a list of one elem due to Terraform SDK's limitation for supporting complex object types. Please index on the first elem of the array to reference the object values (eg: onelogin_risk_rules.my_risk_rules.source[0].object_property)

onelogin_roles (filters)

The roles data source allows you to retrieve an already existing roles resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_roles" "my_roles"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_roles_admins (filters)

The roles_admins data source allows you to retrieve an already existing roles_admins resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_roles_admins" "my_roles_admins"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_roles_apps (filters)

The roles_apps data source allows you to retrieve an already existing roles_apps resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_roles_apps" "my_roles_apps"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_roles_users (filters)

The roles_users data source allows you to retrieve an already existing roles_users resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_roles_users" "my_roles_users"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_users (filters)

The users data source allows you to retrieve an already existing users resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_users" "my_users"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_users_apps (filters)

The users_apps data source allows you to retrieve an already existing users_apps resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_apps" "my_users_apps"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_users_devices (filters)

The users_devices data source allows you to retrieve an already existing users_devices resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_devices" "my_users_devices"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_users_v1 (filters)

The users_v1 data source allows you to retrieve an already existing users_v1 resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_v1" "my_users_v1"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

onelogin_users_v1_apps (filters)

The users_v1_apps data source allows you to retrieve an already existing users_v1_apps resource using filters. Refer to the arguments section to learn more about how to configure the filters.

Example usage

data "onelogin_users_v1_apps" "my_users_v1_apps"{
    filter {
        name = "property name to filter by, see docs below for more info about available filter name options"
        values = ["filter value"]

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Note: If more or less than a single match is returned by the search, Terraform will fail. Ensure that your search is specific enough to return a single result only.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported: