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exclusive #31

Open oneshotimage opened 8 years ago

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

__block storage is similar to, but mutually exclusive of, the register, auto, and static storage types for local variables.

exclusive |ɪkˈskluːsɪv|

A.adjective ①(high class, expensive)高档的 gāodàng de ‹restaurant, hotel› ②(private, select)不接受新会员的 bù jiēshòu xīn huìyuán de ‹club, society› an exclusive school 贵族学校 ③(not found elsewhere)独有的 dúyǒu de ‹style, design, problem, dress, product›; 独家的 dújiā de ‹interview, coverage, story›(sole)专有的 zhuānyǒu de ‹privileges› to have exclusive (marketing) rights for [something] 拥有对某物的(营销)专营权 to have exclusive use of [something] 独享某物 ④(excluding all else)唯一的 wéiyī de ‹occupation, activity, interest, friendship› ⑤(incompatible)排斥的 páichì de mutually exclusive 互不相容的 ⑥(not including)不包括…的 bù bāokuò… de exclusive of [somebody]/[something] 不包括某人/某事物 B.noun 独家新闻 dújiā xīnwén a BBC exclusive 英国广播公司独家报道

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

inclusive |ɪnˈkluːsɪv|

adjective ①(with everything included)全包括的 quán bāokuò de ‹charge, price› ②(including, counting)包括的 bāokuò de something inclusive of [something] (不)包括某物的某物 ③(including the specified limits)首末项包含在内的 shǒumòxiàng bāohán zàinèi de those aged 17-24 inclusive 年龄在17至24岁(含)的那些人 ④(not excluding any group)不排斥任何群体的 bù páichì rènhé qúntǐ de ‹society, policy›

oneshotimage commented 8 years ago

mutually |ˈmjuːtʃʊəli|

adverb ①(reciprocally)互相 hùxiāng ‹respectful, dependent, exclusive› ②(to both parties)对于双方 duìyú shuāngfāng ‹acceptable, agreed›(to all parties)对于各方 duìyú gè fāng