opea-project / GenAIComps

GenAI components at micro-service level; GenAI service composer to create mega-service
Apache License 2.0
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# Generative AI Components (GenAIComps)

Build Enterprise-grade Generative AI Applications with Microservice Architecture

This initiative empowers the development of high-quality Generative AI applications for enterprises via microservices, simplifying the scaling and deployment process for production. It abstracts away infrastructure complexities, facilitating the seamless development and deployment of Enterprise AI services. ## GenAIComps GenAIComps provides a suite of microservices, leveraging a service composer to assemble a mega-service tailored for real-world Enterprise AI applications. All the microservices are containerized, allowing cloud native deployment. Checkout how the microservices are used in [GenAIExamples](https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIExamples). ![Architecture](https://i.imgur.com/r5J0i8j.png) ### Installation - Install from Pypi ```bash pip install opea-comps ``` - Build from Source ```bash git clone https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIComps cd GenAIComps pip install -e . ``` ## MicroService `Microservices` are akin to building blocks, offering the fundamental services for constructing `RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)` applications. Each `Microservice` is designed to perform a specific function or task within the application architecture. By breaking down the system into smaller, self-contained services, `Microservices` promote modularity, flexibility, and scalability. This modular approach allows developers to independently develop, deploy, and scale individual components of the application, making it easier to maintain and evolve over time. Additionally, `Microservices` facilitate fault isolation, as issues in one service are less likely to impact the entire system. The initially supported `Microservices` are described in the below table. More `Microservices` are on the way.
MicroService Framework Model Serving HW Description
Embedding LangChain/LlamaIndex BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 TEI-Gaudi Gaudi2 Embedding on Gaudi2
TEI Xeon Embedding on Xeon CPU
Retriever LangChain/LlamaIndex BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 TEI Xeon Retriever on Xeon CPU
Reranking LangChain/LlamaIndex BAAI/bge-reranker-large TEI-Gaudi Gaudi2 Reranking on Gaudi2
BBAAI/bge-reranker-base TEI Xeon Reranking on Xeon CPU
ASR NA openai/whisper-small NA Gaudi2 Audio-Speech-Recognition on Gaudi2
Xeon Audio-Speech-RecognitionS on Xeon CPU
TTS NA microsoft/speecht5_tts NA Gaudi2 Text-To-Speech on Gaudi2
Xeon Text-To-Speech on Xeon CPU
Dataprep Qdrant sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 NA Gaudi2 Dataprep on Gaudi2
Xeon Dataprep on Xeon CPU
Redis BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 Gaudi2 Dataprep on Gaudi2
Xeon Dataprep on Xeon CPU
LLM LangChain/LlamaIndex Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3 TGI Gaudi Gaudi2 LLM on Gaudi2
TGI Xeon LLM on Xeon CPU
Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3 Ray Serve Gaudi2 LLM on Gaudi2
Xeon LLM on Xeon CPU
Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-3 vLLM Gaudi2 LLM on Gaudi2
Xeon LLM on Xeon CPU
A `Microservices` can be created by using the decorator `register_microservice`. Taking the `embedding microservice` as an example: ```python from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceHubEmbeddings from langsmith import traceable from comps import register_microservice, EmbedDoc768, ServiceType, TextDoc @register_microservice( name="opea_service@embedding_tgi_gaudi", service_type=ServiceType.EMBEDDING, endpoint="/v1/embeddings", host="", port=6000, input_datatype=TextDoc, output_datatype=EmbedDoc768, ) @traceable(run_type="embedding") def embedding(input: TextDoc) -> EmbedDoc768: embed_vector = embeddings.embed_query(input.text) embed_vector = embed_vector[:768] # Keep only the first 768 elements res = EmbedDoc768(text=input.text, embedding=embed_vector) return res ``` ## MegaService A `Megaservice` is a higher-level architectural construct composed of one or more `Microservices`, providing the capability to assemble end-to-end applications. Unlike individual `Microservices`, which focus on specific tasks or functions, a `Megaservice` orchestrates multiple `Microservices` to deliver a comprehensive solution. `Megaservices` encapsulate complex business logic and workflow orchestration, coordinating the interactions between various `Microservices` to fulfill specific application requirements. This approach enables the creation of modular yet integrated applications, where each `Microservice` contributes to the overall functionality of the `Megaservice`. Here is a simple example of building `Megaservice`: ```python from comps import MicroService, ServiceOrchestrator EMBEDDING_SERVICE_HOST_IP = os.getenv("EMBEDDING_SERVICE_HOST_IP", "") EMBEDDING_SERVICE_PORT = os.getenv("EMBEDDING_SERVICE_PORT", 6000) LLM_SERVICE_HOST_IP = os.getenv("LLM_SERVICE_HOST_IP", "") LLM_SERVICE_PORT = os.getenv("LLM_SERVICE_PORT", 9000) class ExampleService: def __init__(self, host="", port=8000): self.host = host self.port = port self.megaservice = ServiceOrchestrator() def add_remote_service(self): embedding = MicroService( name="embedding", host=EMBEDDING_SERVICE_HOST_IP, port=EMBEDDING_SERVICE_PORT, endpoint="/v1/embeddings", use_remote_service=True, service_type=ServiceType.EMBEDDING, ) llm = MicroService( name="llm", host=LLM_SERVICE_HOST_IP, port=LLM_SERVICE_PORT, endpoint="/v1/chat/completions", use_remote_service=True, service_type=ServiceType.LLM, ) self.megaservice.add(embedding).add(llm) self.megaservice.flow_to(embedding, llm) ``` ## Gateway The `Gateway` serves as the interface for users to access the `Megaservice`, providing customized access based on user requirements. It acts as the entry point for incoming requests, routing them to the appropriate `Microservices` within the `Megaservice` architecture. `Gateways` support API definition, API versioning, rate limiting, and request transformation, allowing for fine-grained control over how users interact with the underlying `Microservices`. By abstracting the complexity of the underlying infrastructure, `Gateways` provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for interacting with the `Megaservice`. For example, the `Gateway` for `ChatQnA` can be built like this: ```python from comps import ChatQnAGateway self.gateway = ChatQnAGateway(megaservice=self.megaservice, host="", port=self.port) ``` ## Additional Content - [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/opea-project/docs/tree/main/community/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) - [Contribution](https://github.com/opea-project/docs/tree/main/community/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Security Policy](https://github.com/opea-project/docs/tree/main/community/SECURITY.md) - [Legal Information](/LEGAL_INFORMATION.md)