open-contracting / standard

Documentation of the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS)
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Update guidance on naming of classification schemes #1690

Open jpmckinney opened 1 month ago

jpmckinney commented 1 month ago

The general guidance ought to be along the lines of:

This is consistent with

We should link to the new guidance from

In the examples, we should change "COL" to "CO". We can add an admonition about TED_CE_ACTIVITY and TED_CA_TYPE, to explain that they don't conform to our guidance, because we aimed for consistency with the XML elements in the TED Schema. (At the same time, we can update to the 'eu-main-activity' and 'eu-buyer-legal-type' schemes).

Related, we should change this page to use alpha-2:

For reference, sets the allowed patterns for codes, some of which are relevant for scheme codes:

Exceptional patterns, to match multinational standards:

These patterns are not relevant for scheme codes (they are examples of being consistent with other standards):

odscjen commented 1 month ago

We can add an admonition about TED_CE_ACTIVITY and TED_CA_TYPE, to explain that they don't conform to our guidance, because we aimed for consistency with the XML elements in the TED Schema. (At the same time, we can update to the 'eu-main-activity' and schemes).

Do you mean that the example (2.1) on should be updated to the use the eForms codes/schemes rather than the TED ones? So the admonition should mention both TED and eForms schemes?

odscjen commented 1 month ago

In the examples, we should change "COL" to "CO".

Noting that the examples that will be affected by this are included in so it's probably best to wait until that PR has been merged before creating a PR for this issue to avoid merge conflicts

jpmckinney commented 1 month ago

Do you mean that the example (2.1) on should be updated to the use the eForms codes/schemes rather than the TED ones? So the admonition should mention both TED and eForms schemes?

We should update it to eForms, in which case we only have an admonition for the eForms schemes (since the TED schemes will no longer be part of the examples).