open-telemetry / opentelemetry-cpp

The OpenTelemetry C++ Client
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opentelemetry::v1::nostd::string_view is not compatible with std::string_view #2698

Open nic-godz opened 2 weeks ago

nic-godz commented 2 weeks ago

The problem with the internal opentelemetry::v1::nostd::string_view only being compatible with std::string and not std::string_view is really obvious when using opentelemetry::context::propagation::TextMapCarrier

By using TextMapCarrier as a base class you need to implement "virtual nostd::string_view Get(nostd::string_view key) const noexcept = 0;" for instance. My experience is that C++ HTTP libraries are commonly based on std::string_view in order to avoid unnecessary copying of strings. Boost Beast for instance uses std::string_view for header parameters.

I know that it is possible to copy data/strings from a std::map<std::string_view, std::string_view> into a std::map<std::string, std::string>. But doing that for every request is a bad design. Am I missing something here? Is there a way of using the internal string_view implementation together with the std version? Why not use std::string_view in opentelemetry?

Maybe the TextMapCarrier base class should be a template instead. But I guess it will affect the TextMapPropagator as well then.

What's your take on this issue? I doubt other third party libraries will implement support for opentelemetry::v1::nostd::string_view.

nic-godz commented 2 weeks ago

I created a specific Boost Beast request carrier:

template <typename T>
class BoostBeastRequestCarrier : public opentelemetry::context::propagation::TextMapCarrier
    BoostBeastRequestCarrier(boost::beast::http::request<T>& request) :
    virtual opentelemetry::nostd::string_view Get(opentelemetry::nostd::string_view key) const noexcept override
        if (key == opentelemetry::trace::propagation::kTraceParent)
            return traceparent_;
        else if (key == opentelemetry::trace::propagation::kTraceState)
            return tracestate_;
        return "";
    virtual void Set(opentelemetry::nostd::string_view key, opentelemetry::nostd::string_view value) noexcept override
        request_.set(std::string(key), std::string(value));
        if (key == opentelemetry::trace::propagation::kTraceParent)
            traceparent_ = std::string(value);
        else if (key == opentelemetry::trace::propagation::kTraceState)
            tracestate_ = std::string(value);
    boost::beast::http::request<T>& request_;
    // Needed as temp buffer as opentelemetry::nostd::string_view is not compatible with std::string_view:
    std::string traceparent_;
    std::string tracestate_;

Would be nice to avoid all creation of temporary std::string:s. Apart from that, as you can see, really easy to create custom carriers. Clean interface.

marcalff commented 5 days ago

Thanks for the report.

Per file api/include/opentelemetry/nostd/string_view.h, the following are missing and probably could help:

The same exist for std::string.

Now, about removing nostd classes entirely and using std instead to avoid making intermediate copies: