If you look at time 2017-01-01 11:00:00 or time step 44, you should see PVSystem.7 has complex power of array([-39.87826694-2.99463959e-04j, -40.7992839 -5.08130358e-05j, -40.25095406-1.12817814e-04j]), but the total rating is of 50 kVA.
The 4.16 kV is the line to line voltage and 2.4 kV is the line to neutral voltage. We should be using the line-line voltage.
From OpenDSS PV Model document, page 8.
Nominal rated (1.0 per unit) voltage, kV, for PVSystem element. For 2- and 3-phase PVSystem elements, specify phase-phase kV. Otherwise, specify actual kV across each branch of the PVSystem element. If 1-phase wye (star or LN), specify phase-neutral kV. If 1-phase delta or phase-phase connected, specify phase-phase kV.
I have no idea why the power is so much higher.
Effect on Voltages
Max p.u. voltage is now 1.05492821, and there are no undervoltage problems.
If you look at time 2017-01-01 11:00:00 or time step 44, you should see PVSystem.7 has complex power of array([-39.87826694-2.99463959e-04j, -40.7992839 -5.08130358e-05j, -40.25095406-1.12817814e-04j]), but the total rating is of 50 kVA.
The 4.16 kV is the line to line voltage and 2.4 kV is the line to neutral voltage. We should be using the line-line voltage.
From OpenDSS PV Model document, page 8.
I have no idea why the power is so much higher.
Effect on Voltages
Max p.u. voltage is now 1.05492821, and there are no undervoltage problems.