openETCS / governance

part of WP1: information needed to run project management in openetcs
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Issues for Chapter 2 of the QA Plan "Project Organization" #36

Closed MerlinPokam closed 11 years ago

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

--> Issue 1: Please chapter on the new page

--> Issue 2: section 2.1 "2.1 Project structure diagram"; my suggestion will be to remane it in "openETCS project organisation"

--> Issue 3: You make no difference in Figure 1 between the leader of a work package and the leader of a task. you call both "project leader". For me we should distinguish both roles.

--> Issue 4: The community for "Project office" is missing. Also missing the community for "Mentoring activities"

--> Issue 5: The arrows "advice support" indicates nowhere

--> Issue 6: I would suggest to created 4 sections in document: section 2.2: "compliance with ITEA requirements" summarized how the ITEA requirements are fulfilled within the project; section 2.3: "compliance with open source principles" summarized how the open source principles are fulfilled withinthe project; section 2.4: "compliance with SCRUM requirements" summarized how the SCRUM requirements are fulfilled within the project; section 2.5: "compliance with software management and organization according to EN50128:2011" summarized how the EN50128:2011 requirements for oftware management and organization are fulfilled within the project.

--> Issue 7: I would suggest that: Mr. hase reviews the new section 2.2: "compliance with ITEA requirements"; Mr. Jonas Helming reviews the new section 2.3: "compliance with open source principles"; Mr. Bernd Hekele reviews the new section 2.4: "compliance with SCRUM requirements";

--> Issue 8: new section section 2.5: "compliance with software management and organization according to EN50128:2011" "ˆ A database with the participants per role and project will be maintained maintained." who maintains this database?

--> Issue 9: "Every project has its own repository under the responsibility of the Project Leader." that is not true! Every work package (WP) has its own repository under the responsibility of the WP Leader.

--> Issue 10: "For each certifiable result..." A result can not be certified, please better write "assessable"

idelatorre commented 11 years ago

issue 1: The chapter is now on a new page.

issue 2: the section 2.1 has been renamed.

issue 3: the figure was made taking into account that the openETCS Project is compliant to the 4 sections mentioned in chapter 2. On section "compliance with the opensource principles " there is an explanation of the openETCS development process based on the eclipse development process; because of that the OpenETCS project is conceived as a project of projects organized in a hierarchical manner:

However, I will clarify the diagram and henceforth, I will use WPTop-Project leader and Task/Project leader notation.

issue 4: These communities are in the figure and they also are mentioned in the section compliance with the open source principles

issue 5: it supports both PCC and PMB. I clarified the diagram

issue 6: I created these subsections inside the openETCS Project organisation section. However, they should be analyzed all togheter, as a whole.

issue 7: this is an issue to be discussed in the next WP1 meeting

issue 8: the responsable of maintain the database is added

issue 9: Every Top-project/WP has its own repository under the responsibility of the Top-Project/WP Leader

issue 10: changed to assessable

MerlinPokam commented 11 years ago

issue 6: I created these subsections inside the openETCS Project organisation section. However, they should be analyzed all togheter, as a whole.

--> I clarify my Suggestion
in Chapter 2 Project Organization: Created 4 sections:

section 2.2: "compliance with ITEA requirements" summarized how the ITEA requirements are fulfilled within the project;

section 2.3: "compliance with open source principles" summarized how the open source principles are fulfilled withinthe project;

section 2.4: "compliance with SCRUM requirements" summarized how the SCRUM requirements are fulfilled within the project;

section 2.5: "compliance with software management and organization according to EN50128:2011" summarized how the EN50128:2011 requirements for oftware management and organization are fulfilled within the project.

agracia commented 11 years ago

We consider the current distribution of the sections: "compliance with ITEA requirements", "compliance with open source principles", "compliance with SCRUM requirements" and "compliance with software management and organization according to EN50128:2011" are appropriately located under the “2.1 openETCS project organisation”. In this way, they should be analyzed all together, as a whole, inside the 2.1 section, and not separately in independent sections.

The compliance with those requirements and principles shall be seen as a unique objective with regard to the project organization although they have different principles to be achieved.

Because of this, we have decided to maintain the current structure of the 2.1 section.

On the other hand, the issue 7 shall be discussed in the next QA meeting.