Ontological Modeling Language
This repository is for the OML abstract syntax, textual syntax, graphical syntax, API and specification.
It also publishes the following artifacts (see the OML specification for using instructions):
- Maven libraries that provides OML APIs for JVM languages.
- P2 update site that provides native OML support in the Eclipse IDE.
- LSP server that provides OML support in editors that support LSP.
- OML specification that provides the OML documentation.
git clone https://github.com/opencaesar/oml.git
cd oml
Dependencies: Gradle 7.6.+, Maven 3.9.+, Java 17+
./gradlew build
mvn verify
If you want to generate the OML spec, you first need to have both bikeshed and
graphviz installed in the environment, then invoke:
./gradlew generateDocs
The generated spec can then be opened from io.opencaesar.oml.specification/build/bikeshed/index.html
To setup a development environment for oml:
- Install/use a recent version of
Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers
- Launch the Eclipse IDE and create a new workspace (recommended)
- Switch to the Java perspective from Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Java
- Show the Project Explorer view (if hidden) by selecting Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer
- Turn off automatic build from Project -> Build automatically (uncheck)
- Import the cloned project using File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Browse (select the root of the clone folder) -> Finish
- Right click on the root
project in the Project Explorer view and select from the context menu Gradle -> Refresh Gradle Project
- At this point, you should have all projects loaded in your workspace
- In Project Explorer, navigate to the file oml/io.opencaesar.oml.target/io.opencaesar.oml.target.target and double click to open its editor
- Wait for the resolution of the target platform to finish (watch the percentage at the bottom-right of the IDE window)
- Once the target platform is resolved, click in th editor on the link (top-right) saying "Set as Active Target Platform" then close the editor
- Turn on automatic build from Project -> Build automatically (check)
- The build will start, wait for it to finish (watch the percentage at the bottom-right of the IDE window)
- At this point, you should have all projects building without errors
To change version:
- In Project Explorer, navigate to the file oml/version.txt and double click to open its editor (note the current version)
- Using a terminal window, navigate to the root of the clone folder
- Execute the script ./setversion
(replace <new-version>
- Back in Eclipse IDE, right click on the root project in Project Explorer view and select Refresh
- Wait for the build to finish