opencirclesolutions / dynamo

Dynamo - Web Application Accelerator Framework
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 8 forks source link

Release 4.0 #237

Open pdeenen opened 1 month ago

pdeenen commented 1 month ago
tommy-ocs commented 1 week ago

Updated documentation set-up. All documentation is now under src/docs/asciidoc of the parent project. The modules for dynamo-documentation and dynamo-training are no longer needed/present.

This way, it is possible to optimize asciidoc processing with things like variables, includes and themes (for pdf exports).

The old README.adoc is moved here a well (named index.adoc) and still functions as the root page of the Dynamo website. The README.adoc is replaced with a more conventional in the root of the repository. Its only function is to give a brief introduction and redirect to the Dynamo website.

The asciidoctor files are converted to html (and pdf) and placed in the target/staging directory in the pre-site Maven phase.

The maven site (mvn site site:stage) is staged in the target/staging/maven directory.

Using the maven-scm-publish-plugin the staged site (target/staging) is pushed to the gh-pages branch (currently set to gh-pages-tommy). This way the site is published using GitHub Pages.

This means the the GitHub action asciidoctor-ghpages is no longer needed. The Dynamo website is deployed using maven. This currently needs to be done manually (locally), as it is dependent on services at Open Circle Solutions for reporting.

The Maven generated website has the following reports: