Ran this update query locally to apply the trim. This caught all of them except for "Cochran, Willie"
update opencivicdata_eventparticipant set person_id = opencivicdata_person.id
from opencivicdata_person
where opencivicdata_person.name = trim(opencivicdata_eventparticipant.name)
and person_id is null
and entity_type = 'person';
There are about 2,700
s that do not resolve their OCD IDs due to trailing whitespace: https://puddle.bunkum.us/chicago_council-2c401e3/eventparticipant?_sort=id&entity_type__exact=person&person_id__isnull=1Ran this update query locally to apply the trim. This caught all of them except for "Cochran, Willie"