Closed vlad-ivanov-name closed 6 years ago
Can you edit the code so that I can see what the constants are? (FONT_SIZE, SVG_NS, SVG_ROOT)
Sure, I have edited the code.
One more addition (although likely irrelevant)
static {
DefaultTeXFont.registerAlphabet(new CyrillicRegistration());
Unfortunately, I already know this bug... i) to avoid to use the font files, the characters are replaced by their shape: as far as I remember SVGGraphics2D uses java::awt::font::TextLayout to draw glyphes as shapes and I think that the bug is here. ii) there is a workaround: write the text as it is (no replacement by glyph shapes) and put the fonts (which are in the jar and in the repo) somewhere accessible by your svg reader.
Thanks. Do you know if it occurs for every font used with TextLayout? Maybe it's a matter of fixing the fonts in the repo? Could we convert the fonts to some other format?
@resetnow I'm investigating and will try to find a workaround
FTR I tried to open and re-export fonts with FontLab VI with no results. So must be something related to AWT.
For reference, here's the output using opentype.js to render to SVG (via canvas2svg.js) which looks fine
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1130" height="970"><defs/><g transform="scale(1,1)"><rect fill="rgb(255,255,255)" stroke="none" x="0" y="0" width="1130" height="970" fill-opacity="1"/><g transform="scale(131,131)"><g transform="translate(0.6183206106870229,1.9732853740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.377 -0.6940000000000001 L 0.638 0 L 0.546 0 L 0.47000000000000003 -0.20400000000000001 L 0.179 -0.20400000000000001 L 0.10200000000000001 0 L 0.028 0 L 0.289 -0.6940000000000001 L 0.377 -0.6940000000000001 M 0.448 -0.26 L 0.357 -0.517 Q 0.328 -0.6 0.325 -0.622 L 0.324 -0.622 Q 0.318 -0.589 0.265 -0.441 L 0.2 -0.26 L 0.448 -0.26 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(1.562769221798134,1.9732853740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.687 -0.33 L 0.09 -0.33 Q 0.056 -0.33 0.056 -0.35000000000000003 Q 0.056 -0.37 0.089 -0.37 L 0.6880000000000001 -0.37 Q 0.721 -0.37 0.721 -0.35000000000000003 Q 0.721 -0.33 0.687 -0.33 M 0.6880000000000001 -0.13 L 0.089 -0.13 Q 0.056 -0.13 0.056 -0.15 Q 0.056 -0.17 0.09 -0.17 L 0.687 -0.17 Q 0.721 -0.17 0.721 -0.15 Q 0.721 -0.13 0.6880000000000001 -0.13 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(3.3577752191159247,1.2967773740458015)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.17400000000000002 -0.188 L 0.251 -0.259 Q 0.281 -0.29 0.2955 -0.3055 Q 0.31 -0.321 0.33 -0.34900000000000003 Q 0.35000000000000003 -0.377 0.3585 -0.404 Q 0.367 -0.431 0.367 -0.461 Q 0.367 -0.523 0.328 -0.5685 Q 0.289 -0.614 0.222 -0.614 Q 0.161 -0.614 0.1315 -0.5730000000000001 Q 0.10200000000000001 -0.532 0.083 -0.459 Q 0.066 -0.484 0.061 -0.488 Q 0.06 -0.489 0.0545 -0.4965 Q 0.049 -0.504 0.042 -0.514 Q 0.088 -0.678 0.23600000000000002 -0.678 Q 0.332 -0.678 0.3905 -0.6155 Q 0.449 -0.553 0.449 -0.463 Q 0.449 -0.424 0.4315 -0.3865 Q 0.41400000000000003 -0.34900000000000003 0.398 -0.3305 Q 0.382 -0.312 0.35000000000000003 -0.28 Q 0.34 -0.271 0.3055 -0.241 Q 0.271 -0.211 0.261 -0.202 Q 0.254 -0.196 0.1975 -0.14100000000000001 Q 0.14100000000000001 -0.08600000000000001 0.122 -0.07 L 0.231 -0.07 Q 0.23700000000000002 -0.07 0.249 -0.07050000000000001 Q 0.261 -0.07100000000000001 0.267 -0.07100000000000001 L 0.449 -0.07100000000000001 L 0.449 0 L 0.05 0 L 0.05 -0.064 L 0.17400000000000002 -0.188 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(3.8577772191159245,1.2967773740458015)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.092 -0.514 L 0.056 -0.5680000000000001 Q 0.08700000000000001 -0.62 0.1385 -0.649 Q 0.19 -0.678 0.248 -0.678 Q 0.323 -0.678 0.3765 -0.634 Q 0.43 -0.59 0.43 -0.526 Q 0.43 -0.47600000000000003 0.402 -0.4295 Q 0.374 -0.383 0.319 -0.354 Q 0.375 -0.337 0.41600000000000004 -0.2905 Q 0.457 -0.244 0.457 -0.18 Q 0.457 -0.099 0.3965 -0.0385 Q 0.336 0.022 0.247 0.022 Q 0.123 0.022 0.042 -0.082 L 0.053 -0.14200000000000002 Q 0.085 -0.093 0.138 -0.066 Q 0.191 -0.039 0.245 -0.039 Q 0.301 -0.039 0.3345 -0.08 Q 0.368 -0.121 0.368 -0.181 Q 0.368 -0.203 0.3625 -0.225 Q 0.357 -0.247 0.34400000000000003 -0.2705 Q 0.331 -0.294 0.3035 -0.309 Q 0.276 -0.324 0.23800000000000002 -0.324 L 0.167 -0.324 L 0.167 -0.385 Q 0.242 -0.391 0.246 -0.392 Q 0.291 -0.402 0.3195 -0.4405 Q 0.34800000000000003 -0.47900000000000004 0.34800000000000003 -0.526 Q 0.34800000000000003 -0.5710000000000001 0.3185 -0.5955 Q 0.289 -0.62 0.247 -0.62 Q 0.199 -0.62 0.156 -0.592 Q 0.113 -0.5640000000000001 0.092 -0.514 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(4.357779219115924,1.2967773740458015)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.07200000000000001 -0.024 L 0.10300000000000001 -0.077 Q 0.149 -0.039 0.20600000000000002 -0.039 Q 0.27 -0.039 0.3175 -0.1005 Q 0.365 -0.162 0.373 -0.277 Q 0.341 -0.23700000000000002 0.296 -0.2155 Q 0.251 -0.194 0.20400000000000001 -0.194 Q 0.134 -0.194 0.088 -0.2645 Q 0.042 -0.335 0.042 -0.434 Q 0.042 -0.541 0.107 -0.611 Q 0.17 -0.678 0.253 -0.678 Q 0.289 -0.678 0.3215 -0.663 Q 0.354 -0.648 0.386 -0.6125 Q 0.418 -0.577 0.4375 -0.5055000000000001 Q 0.457 -0.434 0.457 -0.335 Q 0.457 -0.177 0.382 -0.0775 Q 0.307 0.022 0.20500000000000002 0.022 Q 0.135 0.022 0.07200000000000001 -0.024 M 0.37 -0.435 Q 0.369 -0.46 0.364 -0.486 Q 0.359 -0.512 0.34800000000000003 -0.545 Q 0.337 -0.578 0.312 -0.599 Q 0.28700000000000003 -0.62 0.253 -0.62 Q 0.192 -0.62 0.153 -0.5630000000000001 Q 0.124 -0.517 0.124 -0.434 Q 0.124 -0.356 0.147 -0.315 Q 0.181 -0.255 0.243 -0.255 Q 0.3 -0.255 0.3355 -0.301 Q 0.371 -0.34700000000000003 0.371 -0.41100000000000003 Q 0.371 -0.428 0.37 -0.435 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(4.857781219115925,1.2967773740458015)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.372 -0.171 L 0.372 0 L 0.293 0 L 0.293 -0.171 L 0.028 -0.171 L 0.028 -0.232 L 0.281 -0.656 L 0.372 -0.656 L 0.372 -0.232 L 0.47100000000000003 -0.232 L 0.47100000000000003 -0.171 L 0.372 -0.171 M 0.106 -0.232 L 0.299 -0.232 L 0.299 -0.612 Q 0.299 -0.551 0.106 -0.232 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><rect fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" x="2.738328830227036" y="1.7032858740458015" width="3.2389007777777774" height="0.039999"/><g transform="translate(2.738328830227036,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.157 -0.6940000000000001 L 0.157 -0.396 Q 0.229 -0.455 0.318 -0.455 Q 0.387 -0.455 0.4335 -0.3865 Q 0.48 -0.318 0.48 -0.223 Q 0.48 -0.124 0.425 -0.0565 Q 0.37 0.011 0.294 0.011 Q 0.222 0.011 0.16 -0.046 L 0.16 0 L 0.082 0 L 0.082 -0.6940000000000001 L 0.157 -0.6940000000000001 M 0.16 -0.335 L 0.16 -0.114 Q 0.195 -0.05 0.257 -0.05 Q 0.312 -0.05 0.357 -0.0925 Q 0.402 -0.135 0.402 -0.223 Q 0.402 -0.31 0.361 -0.352 Q 0.32 -0.394 0.267 -0.394 Q 0.199 -0.394 0.16 -0.335 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(3.477219719115925,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.192 -0.25 Q 0.192 -0.217 0.162 -0.202 Q 0.151 -0.197 0.139 -0.197 Q 0.106 -0.197 0.091 -0.227 Q 0.08600000000000001 -0.23800000000000002 0.08600000000000001 -0.25 Q 0.08600000000000001 -0.28300000000000003 0.116 -0.298 Q 0.127 -0.303 0.139 -0.303 Q 0.17200000000000001 -0.303 0.187 -0.273 Q 0.192 -0.262 0.192 -0.25 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(3.9772216080048137,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.299 -0.678 L 0.299 -0.058 L 0.424 -0.058 L 0.424 0 L 0.095 0 L 0.095 -0.058 L 0.22 -0.058 L 0.22 -0.578 Q 0.169 -0.556 0.089 -0.554 L 0.089 -0.612 Q 0.22 -0.617 0.279 -0.678 L 0.299 -0.678 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(4.477223608004814,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.41500000000000004 -0.658 L 0.41500000000000004 -0.599 Q 0.362 -0.62 0.31 -0.62 Q 0.23800000000000002 -0.62 0.1865 -0.5575 Q 0.135 -0.495 0.126 -0.379 Q 0.194 -0.462 0.295 -0.462 Q 0.365 -0.462 0.41100000000000003 -0.3915 Q 0.457 -0.321 0.457 -0.222 Q 0.457 -0.164 0.4425 -0.1245 Q 0.428 -0.085 0.393 -0.046 Q 0.334 0.022 0.251 0.022 Q 0.223 0.022 0.1965 0.014 Q 0.17 0.006 0.14100000000000001 -0.0175 Q 0.112 -0.041 0.091 -0.078 Q 0.07 -0.115 0.056 -0.178 Q 0.042 -0.241 0.042 -0.322 Q 0.042 -0.47900000000000004 0.121 -0.5785 Q 0.2 -0.678 0.309 -0.678 Q 0.364 -0.678 0.41500000000000004 -0.658 M 0.127 -0.219 Q 0.129 -0.196 0.1335 -0.17500000000000002 Q 0.138 -0.154 0.15 -0.11850000000000001 Q 0.162 -0.083 0.188 -0.061 Q 0.214 -0.039 0.251 -0.039 Q 0.313 -0.039 0.35100000000000003 -0.101 Q 0.375 -0.14200000000000002 0.375 -0.222 Q 0.375 -0.298 0.352 -0.339 Q 0.318 -0.401 0.256 -0.401 Q 0.197 -0.401 0.1625 -0.354 Q 0.128 -0.307 0.128 -0.247 Q 0.127 -0.23500000000000001 0.127 -0.219 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(4.977225608004814,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.153 -0.592 L 0.153 -0.386 Q 0.199 -0.427 0.26 -0.427 Q 0.338 -0.427 0.3935 -0.3615 Q 0.449 -0.296 0.449 -0.203 Q 0.449 -0.109 0.3845 -0.043500000000000004 Q 0.32 0.022 0.23 0.022 Q 0.171 0.022 0.121 -0.005 Q 0.07100000000000001 -0.032 0.039 -0.076 L 0.07200000000000001 -0.132 Q 0.094 -0.091 0.137 -0.065 Q 0.18 -0.039 0.229 -0.039 Q 0.23700000000000002 -0.039 0.2465 -0.04 Q 0.256 -0.041 0.2785 -0.05 Q 0.301 -0.059000000000000004 0.317 -0.0745 Q 0.333 -0.09 0.34650000000000003 -0.124 Q 0.36 -0.158 0.36 -0.20500000000000002 Q 0.36 -0.28800000000000003 0.33 -0.327 Q 0.3 -0.366 0.259 -0.366 Q 0.219 -0.366 0.19 -0.3435 Q 0.161 -0.321 0.147 -0.28700000000000003 L 0.081 -0.28700000000000003 L 0.081 -0.656 L 0.41600000000000004 -0.656 L 0.41600000000000004 -0.592 L 0.153 -0.592 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g><g transform="translate(5.477227608004815,2.6592363740458014)"><path fill="none" stroke="none"/><path fill="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke="none" paint-order="stroke fill markers" d=" M 0.457 -0.326 Q 0.457 -0.17500000000000002 0.417 -0.088 Q 0.393 -0.036000000000000004 0.34850000000000003 -0.007 Q 0.304 0.022 0.249 0.022 Q 0.217 0.022 0.1875 0.012 Q 0.158 0.002 0.1265 -0.027 Q 0.095 -0.056 0.076 -0.101 Q 0.042 -0.184 0.042 -0.326 Q 0.042 -0.47800000000000004 0.08 -0.562 Q 0.108 -0.624 0.154 -0.651 Q 0.2 -0.678 0.25 -0.678 Q 0.294 -0.678 0.3385 -0.6545 Q 0.383 -0.631 0.41100000000000003 -0.579 Q 0.457 -0.49 0.457 -0.326 M 0.25 -0.039 Q 0.33 -0.039 0.361 -0.146 Q 0.379 -0.209 0.379 -0.338 Q 0.379 -0.467 0.36 -0.523 Q 0.354 -0.538 0.34950000000000003 -0.5465 Q 0.34500000000000003 -0.555 0.332 -0.5750000000000001 Q 0.319 -0.595 0.2975 -0.606 Q 0.276 -0.617 0.249 -0.617 Q 0.169 -0.617 0.137 -0.516 Q 0.12 -0.461 0.12 -0.338 Q 0.12 -0.21 0.137 -0.149 Q 0.168 -0.039 0.25 -0.039 Z"/><path fill="none" stroke="none"/></g></g></g></svg>
Okay so after some digging the issue is caused by font resizing. There's a call to deriveFont(1)
in DefaultTeXFontParser.createFont
. So the font is derived with scale of 1 and later in CharBox
graphics object is transformed to match the scale. I think somewhere inside AWT or even in some native library some code either uses 32-bit floats or misuses floating point, so when font is scaled to 1 some calculations lose precision. I know it's a lot of "some" but there's an easy workaround.
Here's a font derived with scale 1 and painted with scale 100:
Here's a font derived with scale 100 and painted with scale 1:
Thanks, fix works very well for me (for a very old bug 😄 )
For some reason fonts in SVG output I'm getting from JLaTeXMath are just a bit misshapen.
Code I use:
Package versions: