opencollab / jlatexmath

A Java API to render LaTeX
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Jlatexmath maven #5

Closed opcodevoid closed 7 years ago

davidmoten commented 7 years ago

yes please!

davidmoten commented 7 years ago

I'd love to see standard maven structure too so that I can import this project as a maven project into Eclipse IDE easily and run Example* without any configuring.

src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java (put tests in here later but initially put Example*.java) src/test/resources (lion.png etc)

opcodevoid commented 7 years ago

You can import this project as a maven project with the given pom. It's just non-standard maven structure. I think the structure is not important here as long as the project gets deployed to the maven central repository and people can use it that way.

davidmoten commented 7 years ago

yep deployment to maven central is important I agree. If you want contributions to this project then you can enable people by adopting standard structures. I can do the conversion for you as a PR if you like for your assessment.

opcodevoid commented 7 years ago

Btw, see here #4