The changes related to the MTU calculation that was done as part of the seems to be causing other scripts (like bgp_prefix_limit, RT-1.2_route_installation) to fail at the mtu configuration .
Error log from script :
nil> 0xc00142d5c0 0xc0001c8f50 [] 0xc0013edbb0 0xc00142d5b0 out-of-range E_Interface_OperStatus enum value: 0 [] [] map[0:0xc001430a00] out-of-range E_VlanTypes_TPID_TYPES enum value: 0 ethernetCsmacd}) at path origin:"openconfig" elem:{name:"interfaces"} elem:{name:"interface" key:{key:"name" value:"et-0/0/5"}} target:"dut": SetRequest unsuccessful: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Value 14 is not within range (288..16000);
Diff that’s causing the breakage. MTU if not explicitly set in the caller, gets initialized to 0 and then the diff below causes it to be set to 14.
if !*deviations.OmitL2MTU {
intf.Mtu = ygot.Uint16(a.MTU + 14)
Hi ,
The changes related to the MTU calculation that was done as part of the seems to be causing other scripts (like bgp_prefix_limit, RT-1.2_route_installation) to fail at the mtu configuration .
Error log from script :
nil> 0xc00142d5c0 0xc0001c8f50 [] 0xc0013edbb0 0xc00142d5b0 out-of-range E_Interface_OperStatus enum value: 0 [] [] map[0:0xc001430a00] out-of-range E_VlanTypes_TPID_TYPES enum value: 0 ethernetCsmacd}) at path origin:"openconfig" elem:{name:"interfaces"} elem:{name:"interface" key:{key:"name" value:"et-0/0/5"}} target:"dut": SetRequest unsuccessful: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Value 14 is not within range (288..16000);
Diff that’s causing the breakage. MTU if not explicitly set in the caller, gets initialized to 0 and then the diff below causes it to be set to 14.
internal/attrs/attrs.go if !*deviations.OmitL2MTU { intf.Mtu = ygot.Uint16(a.MTU + 14) }