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cv::ShapeContextDistanceExtractor: platform-dependant return values? #2075

Open jliebers opened 5 years ago

jliebers commented 5 years ago

Hello everybody,

I might have found a problem concerning the cv::ShapeContextDistanceExtractor-class. I have observed the behavior in a unittest, that for a given image and the extracted contours (via cv::findContours()), different distances are calculated upon an identity-check of the contour, depending on the platform the software is executed on. In contrast to cv::HausdorffDistanceExtractor, an identity check does not return a plain-value of 0.0d, but instead a very small difference in the range of ca. 0.0005.

The first platform is my notebook, a Lenovo ThinkPad X250 running openSUSE Leap 15.0. The second platform is my university's gitlab-runner, which runs some unittests in its CI/CD-pipeline. The baseimage for the gitlab-runner is opensuse/leap:15.0 and the versions of the installed packages are the same as on my notebook.

I am just wondering, why the same software, compiled and executed on similar but different systems makes cv::ShapeDistanceExtractor::computeDistance() return different values, when it is instantiated with a cv::ShapeContextDistanceExtractor, but all the input and preprocessing stays the same and is deterministic?

System information (version)
Detailed description

(See above and comments in the unittest.)

Steps to reproduce

Here one can find a unittest which demonstrates the problem. It is written for libboost_test1_66_0. The used image can be downloaded below the unittest. Just in case github performs some kind of compression, I have added the checksum in the unittest.

In the unittest, the same image (see below) is loaded twice to different cv::Mat-objects. Then the contours of each Mat is calculated and all the defining points are merged into one big contour-vector. Afterwards, sdeptr->computeDistance() is invoked to calculate the shapecontext-distance.

        // Load same image two times.
        // Image has checksum sha256 246cb53b310a1b51dd5f428e061990408675798ea1f71a1bf85ad41003e6ebff
        cv::Mat m1 = cv::imread("bugreport_shapecontext_skeleton.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
        cv::Mat m2 = cv::imread("bugreport_shapecontext_skeleton.png", cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);

        // Create vectors to store data from findContours
        std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> contours1, contours2;
        std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy1, hierarchy2;

        // Find contours
        cv::findContours(m1, contours1, hierarchy1, cv::RETR_LIST, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);
        cv::findContours(m2, contours2, hierarchy2, cv::RETR_LIST, cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);

        // Merge all points from obtained vectors into one vector
        std::vector<cv::Point> merged_contour1, merged_contour2;
        for(auto vec1 : contours1) {
            for (auto pt1 : vec1) {
        for(auto vec2 : contours2) {
            for (auto pt2 : vec2) {

        // Looks strange, but there is an `==` operator for vectors.
        BOOST_REQUIRE(merged_contour1 == merged_contour2);
        BOOST_REQUIRE(merged_contour1.size() == merged_contour2.size());

        // Calculate shapecontextdistance:
        cv::Ptr<cv::ShapeContextDistanceExtractor> sdeptr = cv::createShapeContextDistanceExtractor();

        double calculated_shapecontextdistance = sdeptr->computeDistance(merged_contour1, merged_contour2);
        const double shapecontextdistance_on_my_x250 = 0.00076877244282513857;
        const double shapecontextdistance_on_gitlab_runner = 0.00054425356211140752;

        // Does not throw any notice on my X250
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(calculated_shapecontextdistance, shapecontextdistance_on_my_x250);

        // Does not throw any notice on gitlab runner with image opensuse/leap:15.0
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(shapecontextdistance_on_gitlab_runner, shapecontextdistance_on_gitlab_runner);

        // Depending on the machine on which the shapecontextdistance is calculated on, the result changes to a small
        // degree. But both values should be equal?
Image to be loaded


Result of executing the unittest on my notebook
Testing started at 14:39 ...
/[...]/tvpa/src/cmake-build-debug/test --run_test=TVPA_TestSuite/BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT --logger=HRF,all --color_output=false --report_format=HRF --show_progress=no
Running 1 test case...
Entering test module Test
/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(201): info: check merged_contour1 == merged_contour2 has passed
/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(202): info: check merged_contour1.size() == merged_contour2.size() has passed

/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(212): info: check calculated_shapecontextdistance == shapecontextdistance_on_my_x250 has passed

/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(215): error: in "TVPA_TestSuite/BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT": check calculated_shapecontextdistance == shapecontextdistance_on_gitlab_runner has failed [0.00076877244282513857 != 0.00054425356211140752]

Leaving test module Test
*** 1 failure is detected in the test module "Test"
Process finished with exit code 201
Result of executing the unittest on gitlab-runner
$ ./test --run_test=TVPA_TestSuite/BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT --logger=HRF,all --color_output=false --report_format=HRF --show_progress=no
Running 1 test case...
Entering test module "Test"
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(47): Entering test suite "TVPA_TestSuite"
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(168): Entering test case "BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT"
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(201): info: check merged_contour1 == merged_contour2 has passed
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(202): info: check merged_contour1.size() == merged_contour2.size() has passed
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(212): error: in "TVPA_TestSuite/BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT": check calculated_shapecontextdistance == shapecontextdistance_on_my_x250 has failed [0.00054425356211140752 != 0.00076877244282513857]
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(215): info: check calculated_shapecontextdistance == shapecontextdistance_on_gitlab_runner has passed
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(168): Leaving test case "BUGREPORT_SHAPECONTEXT"; testing time: 34390227us
/builds/[...]/tvpa/src/tests.cpp(47): Leaving test suite "TVPA_TestSuite"; testing time: 34390289us
Leaving test module "Test"; testing time: 34390334us

*** 1 failure is detected in the test module "Test"
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

It is strange, is it not, that each time the other check fails and vice-versa? Furthermore I am wondering, why an identity-check does not equal zero using the shapecontext-distance (it equals zero for the hausdorff-distance)?

This bugreport is nothing urgent. I just wanted to make the finding public. Thank you in advance for looking into this. :slightly_smiling_face:

alalek commented 5 years ago

Distance is almost zero (as expected).

Floating point computations are not bit-exact in general. So comparing of floating point result via "equal" operator is not a good idea.

I would use condition like this (Google tests syntax):

EXPECT_LE(calculated_shapecontextdistance, 1e-3);