Wählen Sie aus, bis zu welchem Datum die Datensammlung verfügbar ist. Anschliessend wird sie gelöscht oder archiviert.
Ergänzung zur Aufbewahrungsfrist
Nutzen Sie dieses Feld, falls die Aufbewahrungsfrist in Worten statt mit einem Datum beschrieben werden soll. Bei kontinuierlich betriebenen Datensammlungen könnte etwa angemerkt werden: 10 Jahre ab Erfassung, 5 Jahre nach Ende des Kalendersjahrs etc. Diese Präzisierungen sind deutscher, französicher und italienischer Sprache sowie in Englisch möglich.
Name and/or affiliation of the author:
Michèle Spichtig, OGD Office
Portal, service or software product presented or affected
Data Portals and Catalogs in Switzerland
Clear and concise description of the problem or requirement
We need a property that can be used to specify the date and/or time frame up to which the data collection is available, at least at dataset level.
I14Y proposes to integrate two new field to describe a datasets' retention period, see issue https://github.com/opendata-swiss/dcat_ap_ch/issues/221:
Name and/or affiliation of the author:
Michèle Spichtig, OGD Office
Portal, service or software product presented or affected
Data Portals and Catalogs in Switzerland
Clear and concise description of the problem or requirement
We need a property that can be used to specify the date and/or time frame up to which the data collection is available, at least at dataset level.
Proposed solution
There is a possible property on level distribution: dcatap:availability: https://www.dcat-ap.ch/releases/2.0/dcat-ap-ch.html#distribution-availability This property indicates how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available. CV to be used: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/planned-availability
Proposal: Add dcatap:availability at dataset level and at catalogue level, as defined in the German AP dcat-ap.de:
But: With DCAT-AP, however, as with DCAT-AP CH, the property is only defined at distribution level.
Other properties that would come into question? In DCAT 3, there is a property status for describing the life cycle of a resource https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/#Property:resource_status
https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/#life-cycle The life-cycle of a resource is an aspect orthogonal to versioning, and sometimes strictly related. The evolution of a resource along its life-cycle (from its conception, to its creation and publication) may result in new versions, although this is not always the case (e.g., in case an approval workflow is in place, the resource may not undergo any change if no revision is needed). https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-vocabularies/concept-scheme/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/dataset-status
see also discussion on https://github.com/opendata-swiss/dcat_ap_ch/issues/187 https://github.com/opendata-swiss/dcat_ap_ch/issues/187#issuecomment-2205293288