opendata-swiss / dcat_ap_ch

Examples for geocat and DCAT data-catalogs are given here
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Definition of dct:identifier of dcat:Dataset is too application dependent #50

Open sabinem opened 3 years ago

sabinem commented 3 years ago

Property:dct:identifier Class:dcat:Dataset Conformance Problem: The current definition of this property in DCAT-AP CH is very application dependent: it states how the field content should also be used in rdfs:seeAlso and what the application should do to keep the data portal consistent. The Application profile DCAT-AP CH should not include details on how to implement this in a specific data portal (e.g., it should focus on providing guidance to Swiss data portals and catalogues. Proposal: Align to the dcat-ap recomendations. See here:

Juan-Juan-1 commented 2 years ago

I'll allow myself to rework the text. My proposal:

Property:dct:identifier Class:dcat:Dataset Conformance Problem: The current definition of this property in DCAT-AP CH is very application dependent: it states how the field content should also be used in rdfs:seeAlso and what the application should do to keep the data portal consistent. The Application profile DCAT-AP CH should not include details on how to implement this in a specific data portal (e.g., it should focus on providing guidance to Swiss data portals and catalogues. Proposal: Align to the dcat-ap recomendations. See here:

metaodi commented 2 weeks ago

I fully agree that this should be fixed in 3.0.0, we need to get rid of the "unique publisher" name, instead we should simply ask for that property to be unique. In most cases this should be the "original URI" or some other sort of identifier that the publishers must guarantee to be unique.