opendistro-for-elasticsearch / security

Apache License 2.0
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Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security

Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security is an Elasticsearch plugin that offers encryption, authentication, and authorization. When combined with Open Distro for Elasticsearch Security-Advanced Modules, it supports authentication via Active Directory, LDAP, Kerberos, JSON web tokens, SAML, OpenID and more. It includes fine grained role-based access control to indices, documents and fields. It also provides multi-tenancy support in Kibana.

Features provided by Security



Access control:

Audit/Compliance logging:

Kibana multi-tenancy


Please refer to the technical documentation for detailed information on installing and configuring opendistro-elasticsearch-security plugin.

Quick Start

<ES directory>/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install \

Test and Build

mvn clean test
mvn clean package -Padvanced -DskipTests
artifact_zip=`ls $(pwd)/target/releases/opendistro-security-*.zip | grep -v admin-standalone`
./gradlew build buildDeb buildRpm --no-daemon -ParchivePath=$artifact_zip -Dbuild.snapshot=false

Config hot reloading

The Security Plugin Configuration is stored in a dedicated index in Elasticsearch itself. Changes to the configuration are pushed to this index via the command line tool. This will trigger a reload of the configuration on all nodes automatically. This has several advantages over configuration via elasticsearch.yml:


This code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.