An open source python package for implementing and developing standard methods for calculating normalized metered energy consumption and avoided energy use.
This PR adds the new CalTRACK 2.1 Daily Model to EEmeter. In its initial state, the caltrack.daily module is pre-production, and the primary purpose of this pull request is to invite analysis of the methods. There will be heavy additions and changes before merging this new code.
Planned Pre-merge Changes/Additions
Consolidate modules within base_models where appropriate to reduce code duplication
Clarify public API for fitting and evaluating models
Allow model evaluate() to accept datetime-indexed temperature data without observed values
Create a few light wrapper classes for model coefficients and parameters to enable less error-prone access
Add billing presets to reach parity with 2.0
Function and module documentation, both docstrings and separate longform writeups
This PR adds the new CalTRACK 2.1 Daily Model to EEmeter. In its initial state, the caltrack.daily module is pre-production, and the primary purpose of this pull request is to invite analysis of the methods. There will be heavy additions and changes before merging this new code.
Planned Pre-merge Changes/Additions