[11/10/24 5:52:39] ~/GitHub/openfga-main/.demo (feat/access-control) $ fga --version
fga version v`0.6.1` (commit: `f47cb263d52f9e0751c40e74f983b567b4840133`, date: `2024-09-09T17:14:35Z`)
[11/10/24 5:53:57] ~/GitHub/openfga-main/.demo (feat/access-control) $ fga query check --config project.config.yaml --store-id="$PROJECT_STORE_ID" user:anne member organization:openfga
Using config file: project.config.yaml
Error: failed to check due to failed to check due to Check validation error for POST Check with body {"code":"latest_authorization_model_not_found","message":"No authorization models found for store '01J9YWE5HEDR3X0AABYFA8YAHD'"}
with error code latest_authorization_model_not_found error message: No authorization models found for store '01J9YWE5HEDR3X0AABYFA8YAHD'
Notice how the error says
Error: failed to check due to failed to check due to Check
This is super minor, but:
Notice how the error says