openfoodfacts / contributor-quality-issues

Report data quality issues due to contributing apps/users
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Contributor data quality issues

We use the Issues section of this repository to:

Data quality resolution timeline

First, check if a Github issue is not already filled for this app and data quality issue. If not, open a new issue and describe precisely what data quality issue the contributing app is performing. A few examples :

Once the issue is described, wait for an Open Food Facts moderator or member of the data quality team to confirm the issue. Once confirmed, we have a 3 stages timeline to resolve data quality issues:

  1. Send an email to the app owner, describing the quality issue. Ask an Open Food Facts administrator to get the app owner email. You can suggest the dev team of the app to join our Slack if he/she wants further assistance in how to fix the issue.
  2. After 2 weeks without response, you should send another email where you remind the app owner the data quality issue, and warning him/her that there is a risk of his/her account to be deleted if the issue is not fixed.
  3. After 4 weeks without response, ping a moderator on the Github issue to see what other mitigation measures we can set-up. These measures include:
    • app account deletion
    • a specific edit rule on Product Opener for significant contributing apps

In the created Github issue, you should keep a summary of every communication with the app owner so that everybody knows the current state of each issue.