Open Zubi1001 opened 2 years ago
Hi @Zubi1001!
I've just tested and that's OK for me:
Basically the error you get is because we expect json
data, and obviously something bad happened on the TEST server that did not return json
data. Could be a timeout. Could be that your user is not a TEST user, but a PROD user.
Feel free to close the issue if solved.
For the record, my code:
final ProductSearchQueryConfiguration configuration =
parametersList: [
SearchTerms(terms: ["Olive", "Oil"]),
const SortBy(option: SortOption.POPULARITY)
fields: [ProductField.ALL],
language: OpenFoodFactsLanguage.ENGLISH,
final SearchResult result = await OpenFoodAPIClient.searchProducts(
queryType: QueryType.TEST,
expect(result.products!.length, 24); // page 1
print('results: ${result.count}'); // 285
@monsieurtanuki It's not working for me, I am on Flutter 3.0.3. What should I do?
P.s I really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly.
@Zubi1001 I don't think it has anything to do with the flutter version, what we do in this package is very basic.
So, you copied/pasted my code and it still does not work, am I right?
As it works on my computer I cannot be really helpful.
I suggest that you help us fix that bug by installing openfoodfacts-dart on your computer, trying to reproduce that bug and possibly printing the response body (which is not json
formatted though it should).
Just tested it as well and I think I found the problem, when you plug in wrong credentials it fails as presumably the backend returns a error html page not a json.
@Zubi1001 can you check if your credentials are correct
We should catch this and throw a better error
@M123-dev Could my credentials be wrong if the login() function returns true?
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This is part of the string that jsonDecode
is failing to decode, could it be that I am not receiving a Json response?
@monsieurtanuki @M123-dev
Yes it's a html answer, that's a common flaw with the api when something wrong happens it answers with a html page because the website and the api are the same project.
I couldn't see the problem in the html you send, could you check if there is a full version.
Also no the login method is supposed to work but to test if maybe it's broken maybe try to login on
@M123-dev Could my credentials be wrong if the login() function returns true?
@Zubi1001 It could if you're login
in PROD and searching in TEST. Again, what the hell are you doing in TEST?
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
My parameters are ["Olive","Oil"]
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
package information: Openfoodfacts package version:
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