openforcefield / openff-toolkit

The Open Forcefield Toolkit provides implementations of the SMIRNOFF format, parameterization engine, and other tools. Documentation available at
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Custom exceptions #771

Open mattwthompson opened 3 years ago

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The toolkit, and our software in general, should raise descriptive, custom exceptions instead of re-using built-in exceptions.

Describe the solution you'd like We should have our own exceptions that are fairly specific and provide detailed feedback to the user as to what went wrong and why, and possibly hints at how to resolve the error. For example, this behavior (currently in the code) checks all the boxes:

In [1]: from openforcefield.topology.molecule import Molecule
Warning: Unable to load toolkit 'AmberTools'.

In [2]: from openforcefield.utils.toolkits import BuiltInToolkitWrapper

In [3]: mol = Molecule.from_smiles('CCO')

In [4]: BuiltInToolkitWrapper().assign_partial_charges(molecule=mol, partial_charge_method='am1bcc')
ChargeMethodUnavailableError              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-5e6d5f4e9e1e> in <module>
----> 1 BuiltInToolkitWrapper().assign_partial_charges(molecule=mol, partial_charge_method='am1bcc')

~/software/openforcefield/openforcefield/utils/ in assign_partial_charges(self, molecule, partial_charge_method, use_conformers, strict_n_conformers)
    466         if partial_charge_method not in PARTIAL_CHARGE_METHODS:
    467             raise ChargeMethodUnavailableError(
--> 468                 f'Partial charge method "{partial_charge_method}"" is not supported by '
    469                 f"the Built-in toolkit. Available charge methods are "
    470                 f"{list(PARTIAL_CHARGE_METHODS.keys())}"

ChargeMethodUnavailableError: Partial charge method "am1bcc"" is not supported by the Built-in toolkit. Available charge methods are ['zeros', 'formal_charge']

Today, I went through most of the codebase and recorded when we raise built-in exceptions to get a better picture of how much would be changed by implementing this (nearly) everywhere in the codebase. Some of these (maybe a little less than a half?) probably fit well with existing exceptions, but many will require new exceptions. I have yet to fill out the last column.

Context Existing exception Proposed change
In many places:
Method not implemented NotImplementedError
In topology/
Aromaticity model not in list of known, allowed atomaticity models ValueError
Charge model not in ... ValueError
Fractional bond order model not in ... ValueError
chemical_environment_matches got an argument that can't be converted to SMARTS ValueError
Input data source looks to be missing connectivity, and parametrization will probably be bad ValueError
After adding in atoms from the chains/residues in an OFFMol, OEMol has incorrect number of atoms Exception
Bad arguments passed to get_bond_between Exception
Trying to constrain a pair of atoms that are already constrained Exception
In topology/
Trying to set an OFFMol's name to something not a string Exception
Trying to get an atom's molecule_atom_index or molecule_particle_index when it does not belong to any molecules ValueError
Trying to make a virtual site with a different number of atoms and charge increments Exception
Trying to make a virtual site with both or neither of sigma, epsilon Exception
Trying to get a bonds's molecule_bond_index when it does not belong to any molecules ValueError
Some broad set of things went wrong in FrozenMolecule.__init__() ValueError
Trying to add a virtual site to a molecule when one of the same type already exists Exception
Bad arguments to FrozenMolecule._add_bond Exception
Trying to add a bond when one already exists Exception
Trying to add a conformer with bad units or wrong shape Exception
chemical_environment_matches got an argument that can't be converted to SMARTS ValueError
Invalid toolkit registry passed to FrozenMolecule.{to\|from}_iupac Exception
Trying to make an OFFMol from an OFFTop that has multiple molecules Exception
from_file needs file_format argument specifed Exception
to_file couldn't find a toolkit to do its writing for it ValueError
Tried to import QCElemental, couldn't ImportError
from_qcschema got something that's not JSON-encodable AttributeError
from_qcschema was passed something without explicit hydrogen mapped SMILES or client otherwise failed to convert input to OFFMol KeyError
FrozenMolecule.remap was given mapping with a different number of hydrogens ValueError
Bad arguments passed to get_bond_between TypeError
Tried to visualize with NGLView sans conformers, or otherwise couldn't get a backend ValueError
In typing/engines/smirnoff/
Couldn't convert given unit to a SimTK unit ValueError
In typing/engines/smirnoff/
An attribute seems to be specified with and without indices TypeError
Different indexed attributes have different numbers of terms TypeError
Trying to access an indexed attributes out of the bounds of the attribute TypeError
An object, or possibly a subclass, does not have a requested attribute AttributeError
Trying to ParameterList.extend with something not another instance of it TypeError
Impossible combination of arguments passed to .add_parameter TypeError/ValueError
Something that can't be turned into a parameter passed to .add_parameter ValueError
Some molecules passed to check_partial_bond_orders_from_molecules_duplicates are isomorphic ValueError
assign_partial_bond_orders_from_molecules was told to use user bond orders, but not given any ValueError
Trying to set up bond WBO with only one value of k ValueError
Either ElectrostaticsHandler or ToolkitAM1BCCHandler found a particle that's not a TopologyAtom or TopologyVirtualSite ValueError
Some collection of input failures in VirtualSiteHandler.add_parameter ValueError
In typing/engines/smirnoff/
Trying to register a parameter handler who tag name has already been registered Exception
Missing valence terms were found Exception
Could not find a ParameterIOHandler for a given tag name KeyError
Something went wrong in file parsing IOError
Could not resolve order in which to parameter handlers are meant to run RuntimeError
Unknown kwargs passed to create_openmm_system ValueError
Tried to look up a parameter handler that was not registered KeyError
In utils/
get_data_file_path failed to get anything ValueError
A set of unit incompatibility errors in {a\|de}tach_units ValueError
get_molecule_parameterIDs was giving a list of molecules that contain some duplicates ValueError
In utils/ (many are copied code across toolkit wrappers):
Provided aromaticity model not supported by OpenEyeToolkitWrapper or AmberToolsToolkitWrapper ValueError
Provided aromaticity model not recognized by OpenEye or RDKit itself ValueError
OpenEye atom or bond stereochemistry assumptions failed Exception
OpenEye failed to add excplicit hydrogens (possible during from_iupac) ValueError
OpenEye or RDKit failed to parse the InChi string RuntimeError
OpenEye Omega conformer generation failed Exception
assign_fractional_bond_orders was given an OFFMol without conformers Exception
Bond order model not supported ValueError
OpenEye was unable to assign charges in the process of calculating fractional bond orders Exception
OpenEye or RDKit ran into an error parsing SMARTS ValueError
RDKit cannot read PDB files Exception
OpenEye or RDKit are told hydrogens_are_explicit, but detect implicit hydrogens ValueError
RDKit bond stereochemistry was somehow neither Z nor E ValueError
Some atoms in an rdmol have partial charges, but others do not ValueError
Bizarre RDKit stereochemistry encountered RuntimeError
Unexpected elements found when parsing an sqm.out ValueError

Step 2 here could be to do a similar survey on which exceptions are actually used, possibly considering how often and/or how similar any are to others, to inform what sort of inheritance structure we want.

Describe alternatives you've considered Continuing with built-in exceptions is not ideal, long-term. We've already been slowly moving in this direction - most of our PRs the past few months are fairly aligned with the idea here - but slowly picking away at it won't provide the benefits of a more unified exception structure.

Additional context This idea has been thrown around in a few places ( started it) and a few different contexts but I don't think there's a stub issue.

Some other things to consider

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Might be useful to add something like ConformerGenerationError to catch #822. A patch would start with something like 56d053cfe105ca42623757751e40004541e56e7c

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Another one-off "could use a new exception here" would fix the confusing error (UnassignedValenceParameterException) thrown when no vdW parameter matches were found. There's already a hierarchy, but this one could probably be re-named to something more strictly appropriate.


from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule, Topology

top = Molecule.from_smiles("C").to_topology()
parsley = ForceField("test_forcefields/test_forcefield.offxml")

parsley['vdW']._parameters = []



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in <module>
  File "/Users/mwt/software/openforcefield/openff/toolkit/typing/engines/smirnoff/", line 1325, in create_openmm_system
    parameter_handler.create_force(system, topology, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/mwt/software/openforcefield/openff/toolkit/typing/engines/smirnoff/", line 3656, in create_force
    assigned_terms=atom_matches, valence_terms=list(topology.topology_atoms)
  File "/Users/mwt/software/openforcefield/openff/toolkit/typing/engines/smirnoff/", line 2466, in _check_all_valence_terms_assigned
    raise exception
openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff.parameters.UnassignedValenceParameterException: vdWHandler was not able to find parameters for the following valence terms:

- Topology indices (0,): names and elements ( C),
- Topology indices (1,): names and elements ( H),
- Topology indices (2,): names and elements ( H),
- Topology indices (3,): names and elements ( H),
- Topology indices (4,): names and elements ( H),
mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

There are also some cases in which an custom exception is re-used in ways that could be reviewed. For example, trying to use "Coulomb" electrostatics as specified in the SMIRNOFF spec raises a IncompatibleParameterError when the issue is not incompatibility but that it's not implemented yet

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Also may be some new functionality on the horizon:

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Another detail to consider: ThingWentWrongError vs. ThingWentWrongException. I don't think I am consistent at all. I would like to unify around one option and avoid the other.

lilyminium commented 3 years ago

Should these exceptions be grouped into a single file (maybe openforcefield/ or, as it stands now, scattered across files closer to where they'd be raised, or something in between?

If you go down this path, sounds like a great idea -- otherwise anyone importing your library and trying to deal with errors downstream has to go grep hunting.

I'm not sure why using in-built exceptions is not ideal, though. Could you explain? My Python experience is patchy.

lilyminium commented 3 years ago

Please let me know if this should be a separate issue. On the topic of custom exceptions -- why is MessageException?

Last week during a session with @j-wags we wondered why the MessageException class exists. What does it do that a base Exception class does not?

from openff.toolkit.utils.utils import MessageException

def message():
    raise MessageException("my message")

def base():
    raise Exception("my message")
>>> message()
MessageException                          Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-c7233cf6135f> in <module>
----> 1 message()

<ipython-input-5-50db2ce2786b> in message()
      1 def message():
----> 2     raise MessageException("my message")
      4 def base():
      5     raise Exception("my message")

MessageException: my message

>>> base()
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-cbd7a77bf541> in <module>
----> 1 base()

<ipython-input-5-50db2ce2786b> in base()
      4 def base():
----> 5     raise Exception("my message")

Exception: my message

Also, @mattwthompson has raised some interesting considerations in the intro. No one else has commented so throwing in my opinions here.

How much we can break the API doing this? A function raising a different exception may not be an issue to our downstream users, or it may be a big problem.

It is debatable about the errors you have which are just Exceptions, but if you subclass the general error type it should not break anything.

Would inheriting custom exceptions from multiple built-in classes is worth it?

I don't see why not, so long as the superclasses make sense?

Should these exceptions be grouped into a single file (maybe openforcefield/ or, as it stands now, scattered across files closer to where they'd be raised, or something in between?


Should we have an exception hierarchy in which some of our custom exceptions inherit from each other? How deep should such a tree go?


You could subclass all your custom exceptions from Message/Exception, but IMO that makes it unnecessarily difficult for downstream users to catch them with try/except because they have to work out which file to import the custom error from, import it, explicitly list the caught exceptions, etc. As custom exceptions multiply this can be be a real chore that mostly gets done by waiting to see what exception you get so you can catch it, as many user-facing methods do not document the possible errors that get raised. For example, Molecule.assign_partial_charges documents that it may raise an InvalidToolkitRegistryError, but neglects the custom errors raised by the various toolkits e.g. ChargeMethodUnavailableError, IncorrectNumConformersError, ChargeCalculationError, AntechamberNotFoundError (this last one is not documented anywhere, actually).

Subclassing custom exceptions from existing errors and creating exception trees gets around a lot of this. For example, these existing exceptions:

class MissingPackageError(MessageException):
    """This function requires a package that is not installed."""

class ToolkitUnavailableException(MessageException):
    """The requested toolkit is unavailable."""

    # TODO: Allow toolkit to be specified and used in formatting/printing exception.

class LicenseError(ToolkitUnavailableException):
    """This function requires a license that cannot be found."""

class AntechamberNotFoundError(MessageException):
    """The antechamber executable was not found"""

could be

class MissingPackageError(ModuleNotFoundError):  # This is actually the point of ModuleNotFoundError
    """This function requires a package that is not installed."""

class ToolkitUnavailableException(MissingPackageError):
    """The requested toolkit is unavailable."""

    # TODO: Allow toolkit to be specified and used in formatting/printing exception.

class LicenseError(ToolkitUnavailableException):
    """This function requires a license that cannot be found."""

class AntechamberNotFoundError(ModuleNotFoundError):
    """The antechamber executable was not found"""

and users who don't care about minutiae can catch them all with except ModuleNotFoundError, or even ImportError.

Edit: and I'm still not sure about this reasoning for so many different custom exceptions.

We should have our own exceptions that are fairly specific and provide detailed feedback to the user as to what went wrong and why, and possibly hints at how to resolve the error. For example, this behavior (currently in the code) checks all the boxes:

That is surely what the message raised by the error is for. So long as the ModuleNotFoundError explains which module is missing and possible reasons for it, I'm not sure I care which of MissingPackageError, ToolkitUnavailableException, AntechamberNotFoundError I get.

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

why does MessageException exist?

This has been in the codebase for ages (I think back when the PIs were the only developers) and I have always been confused by it as well. Things were different back in ~2017 ... maybe there's some Python 2 compatibility that I have never come across? Maybe it was part of a more elaborate idea that never got fully implemented. I don't know what it does that the built-in exceptions don't do, and therefore I'd like to ditch it.

Your last code snippet (with class ToolkitUnavailableException(MissingPackageError):) is exactly the design I'm hoping can be implemented here.

I agree that each docstring, on average, does a poor job of communicating which exceptions can be raised. I'd like to say that we could go through everything and make a good effort to list out everything that could be raised by any function/method call, but that's probably a significant amount of work to wrangle up and a decent amount of work to keep things in sync over time. I'm even skeptical that it can be done well manually - I wonder if there are automated solutions for this?

I'm still not sure about this reasoning for so many different custom exceptions. ... So long as the ModuleNotFoundError explains which module is missing and possible reasons for it, I'm not sure I care which of MissingPackageError, ToolkitUnavailableException, AntechamberNotFoundError I get.

I think the motivation here is similar to why we'd want to do custom exceptions to begin with; most users will reach for a somewhat broad exception (i.e. one that broadly captures molecule parsing errors) like you describe but some specific cases might require dealing with one or more of the more detailed exceptions. In cases like those, it's more useful to have a sub(-sub-sub...)classed exception that handles one extremely specific case, even if the contents of the message are similar, just like it's better to have a ToolkitUnavailableException in addition to ModuleNotFoundError. I would assume that really specific exceptions (maybe one for RDKit's SMILES parsing failing for reason xyz) are mostly used by developers/powerusers and not of much interest to most users.

j-wags commented 3 years ago

Per @mattwthompson and my discussion in today's developers coffee: As a next step, let's

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

As a smaller task, I think it would be nice to remove some of the assert lines in the non-testing parts of the toolkit. For example,

>>> from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule
>>> top = Molecule.from_smiles("CCO").to_topology()
>>> top.atom(top.n_topology_atoms + 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/mwt/miniconda3/envs/openff-system/lib/python3.8/site-packages/openff/toolkit/topology/", line 2934, in atom
    assert 0 <= atom_topology_index < self.n_topology_atoms

this isn't very useful, and could be replaced by a InvalidAtomIndexError with a descriptive message instead of displaying the internal check and forcing the user to do into what went wrong. (In my case I was just sloppy with atom indexing vs GROMACS, but the point remains)

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

After #1021,

This will all presumably go into release v0.10.1, which does not currently have a timeline.

The remaining work is more or less going through the above table and moving built-in exceptions into more specific ones. I'm ambivalent as to whether this should be done in one big swing or slowly over time.

lilyminium commented 3 years ago

Is #986 on the radar of this PR or should I open a PR? It currently raises vanilla Key- and IndexErrors.

mattwthompson commented 3 years ago

... on the radar of this PR

I probably missed it when I made this survey however many months ago

or should I open a PR?

I think so, yes

richardjgowers commented 2 years ago

After #1021,

* All exceptions are consolidating into a single file `openff/toolkit/utils/`

* There is now a base `OpenForceFieldToolkitException` class which all exceptions inherit from

If there's going to be custom errors, it probably makes more sense for these to (also) inherit from the Python core library errors. E.g. MissingDependencyError in #1157 sounds a lot like an ImportError

j-wags commented 2 years ago

If there's going to be custom errors, it probably makes more sense for these to (also) inherit from the Python core library errors

Based on my limited experience, I'm kinda against this. When I write try:; ...; except XYZError:, I'm almost always writing with one particular erroring line of code in mind, and I want the except ... block to contain really specific, relevant info/workarounds for that problem. If we start having widespread use of union types, I'd think that downstream coders will get surprised by their excepts catching lines that they didn't expect, and subsequently needing to dig into our exception hierarchy to figure out how to disentangle just the specific exception that they want to catch.

I'd be interested in other thoughts on this, though. ImportError seems to be the strongest case for union types, given the nature of optional dependencies. But I had a fiasco a few months ago where it took me several hours to learn that the ValueError I was catching deep in the stack was coming from RDKit and not the line I expected in the OpenFF toolkit.

lilyminium commented 2 years ago

I'm almost always writing with one particular erroring line of code in mind

You can still do this with XYZError, but for people who want to except a general class of errors that they know could be raised (e.g. ImportErrors because the toolkit comes with optional dependencies), this requires them to not only dig through the code to locate and correctly import the potential error, but to branch through all possibilities and import all potentially raised errors, which then requires experience and high familiarity with the layout and organization of the code. I would classify anyone who can do this as an OpenFF Toolkit expert who probably wrote some of the code. What I would expect developers to actually do (and what I often do) is run through some test cases in a notebook and just make a long tuple of all exceptions that are eventually raised (except (MissingDependencyError, MissingPackageError, ToolkitUnavailableException, LicenseError)). This also requires a non-trivial amount of work and familiarity. What I expect at least some users to do is a blank try/except Exception, especially if they're just doing something quick and dirty, or a little prototype, and don't have the time to mess around with the toolkit code, or remember what an exception is called.

But I had a fiasco a few months ago where it took me several hours to learn that the ValueError I was catching deep in the stack was coming from RDKit and not the line I expected in the OpenFF toolkit.

ValueError is the most generic of the errors -- IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError all have fairly standard meanings, and often the main Python library depends on them in ways that break if you don't subclass these main errors (e.g. One intermediate solution could be to avoid subclassing ValueErrors where possible.

I'd think that downstream coders will get surprised by their excepts catching lines that they didn't expect, and subsequently needing to dig into our exception hierarchy to figure out how to disentangle just the specific exception that they want to catch.

I personally would look at this from a user perspective. Keeping Toolkit-specific errors but subclassing generic ones still allows for approaches 1 and 2 above -- they can still just import whichever specific error they want to catch by commenting out the try/except parts and letting the traceback tell them. However, it might minimise approach 3 (blank except) for the quick scripter by allowing them access to a generic class of "expected-things-going-wrong", especially if they vaguely know which exception is going to be raised but can't remember the very long name of the specific exception (e.g. FractionalBondOrderInterpolationMethodUnsupportedError)

j-wags commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

I would classify anyone who can do this as an OpenFF Toolkit expert who probably wrote some of the code.

Ah... That is an important limitation to my perspective.

What I would expect developers to actually do (and what I often do) is run through some test cases in a notebook and just make a long tuple of all exceptions that are eventually raised (except (MissingDependencyError, MissingPackageError, ToolkitUnavailableException, LicenseError)). This also requires a non-trivial amount of work and familiarity. What I expect at least some users to do is a blank try/except Exception, especially if they're just doing something quick and dirty, or a little prototype, and don't have the time to mess around with the toolkit code, or remember what an exception is called.

Very helpful to know that this is the external developer workflow! I would look at something like this and be like "great! Users have so much control over the different things that go wrong", but what I'm getting from this is that they instead go "wow, this is a hassle, I'll just use except Exception"

So, I get the sense that multiple-inherited exceptions are something that Actual Users will enjoy (and I see @richardjgowers, who is a very important Actual User, is also in that camp).

One intermediate solution could be to avoid subclassing ValueErrors where possible.

I like that. I hadn't thought to classify built-in exceptions between "generic" and "specific", but you've got a good point - ImportErrors have a fairly well-bounded meaning, whereas ValueErrors are indeed the wild west. So some rule like "YES inherit from ImportError, NO don't inherit from ValueError, SOMETIMES inherit from other errors" would be a good policy.

I personally would look at this from a user perspective. Keeping Toolkit-specific errors but subclassing generic ones still allows for approaches 1 and 2 above -- they can still just import whichever specific error they want to catch by commenting out the try/except parts and letting the traceback tell them. However, it might minimise approach 3 (blank except) for the quick scripter by allowing them access to a generic class of "expected-things-going-wrong", especially if they vaguely know which exception is going to be raised but can't remember the very long name of the specific exception (e.g. FractionalBondOrderInterpolationMethodUnsupportedError)


mattwthompson commented 1 year ago

1569 Helped this a little bit