When printing hint text to a client (as generated from a sourcemod plugin, for example), if that hint text contains a linebreak each subsequent line will be duplicated.
See screenshot:
This interferes with legibility when reading vote output, for example.
What server did this occur on?
Local server, SCG (both linux)
Reproduction steps
From a sourcemod plugin, do the following:
PrintHintText(client, "This\nis\na\ntest");
Which operating systems have you used?
Expected behavior
Linebreaks in hint text should work normally and not duplicate text.
Describe the bug.
When printing hint text to a client (as generated from a sourcemod plugin, for example), if that hint text contains a linebreak each subsequent line will be duplicated.
See screenshot:
This interferes with legibility when reading vote output, for example.
What server did this occur on?
Local server, SCG (both linux)
Reproduction steps
From a sourcemod plugin, do the following:
PrintHintText(client, "This\nis\na\ntest");
Which operating systems have you used?
Expected behavior
Linebreaks in hint text should work normally and not duplicate text.
Relevant log output
No response
Additional context
No response