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Thoughts on showing more work on the OF homepage / Gallery Page? #794

Open ofTheo opened 2 years ago

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

Right now the Creative Apps gallery is broken and the Flickr gallery on the homepage is out of date.

Behance seems to have a nice selection of OF projects:

Instagram would be the obvious option, but personally because of their ownership I would prefer not to drive traffic their way, also they seem to require you to be logged in to see most posts. Curious what others think?

Curious on thoughts for the above or ideas for other ways to feature OF work? Twitter / Vimeo? / Youtube?

ofZach commented 2 years ago

it feels like there's two things -- what is on the homepage and what's in galleries.

I wonder if the gallery section of the website could contain something more curated, for example, a member of the community could pick their top 10 OF related projects, for example. I love having feeds that are just tagged with openframeworks, but I sort of think of the gallery as something less as a direct feed and maybe more curated? It's a shame the creativeapplicatoins thing broke, because it was nice for a while.

it's very cool to see the behance tag, lots of things I didn't see before! I'm a fan of IG since I use it a lot and see a lot of interesting OF things there -- one thing I do notice sometimes is people do add all kinds of tags to things, that makes it a little less clear how they are made

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dimitre commented 2 years ago

it is easy to add links to different services (direct link to search by tag or similar), like:

smeyfroi commented 2 years ago

On the one hand, agree with @ofTheo that driving traffic to some of these services is problematic, but on the other hand they're an easy source of live feeds that demonstrate the vibrancy of community, regardless of whether ofSite itelf has changed recently.

However, @ofZach curated gallery might be seen as an opp to recognise artists making relevant work in a more formal way, which seems a great idea. The difficulty is perhaps in the time required to curate something like that. Could Github issues be raised (tagged appropriately) with suggestions of artists/projects to feed the "curation team"(!)?

dimitre commented 2 years ago

I love the idea of a curated gallery, like proce55ing used to have :) But it is certainly one more tamagotchi to feed. or one more thing to get outdated

and personally I'm kinda tired with oembed integration to services, things get broken over time. maybe just linking some searches to some services?

I like a lot how PJRC share projects made with Teensy : They are kind of a "making of" of so it is interesting to check

Maybe the forum itself could have a topic like "Projects using OF" or something like that.

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone, thanks for all the thoughts!

If anyone can share code snippets of ways to embed Behance, or other platforms like Instagram, I would be happy to try it out.

I wonder also if we could allocate a small amount of our monthly budget to someone updating the gallery section a couple of times a month?

The curation of CreativeApps was really nice, but I think it would be hard to sustain a curated gallery if we didn't have someone dedicated to that.

smeyfroi commented 2 years ago

This might be crazy talk, but if wasm compilation is working (I don't know its status at the moment), we could possibly embed either someone's projects, or, more likely, some of the example projects that ship with OF. A bit of interactive bling from assets that already exist in the OF codebase possibly?

ofTheo commented 2 years ago

@smeyfroi in theory yes, we could have some emscripten apps running on the OF site, but we'd need to see the practicality of that as it does need to download a fair amount of resources to run ( think Unity Player size instead of P5.js size ).

If you have any thoughts on how to either embed or scrape ( is this even allowed? ) Behance, Insta etc - that could be really helpful. HTML or Code snippets would help a lot :)

smeyfroi commented 2 years ago

Hmmm OK. Screenshot then link to the wasm page maybe?

Anyway, getting this project to build first. Seem to be some issues with setup on latest MacOS so I'll PR the fixes when I've worked through that.