openhab / openhab-qnap-qpkg

openHAB Packages for QNAP NAS systems
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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how to read openhab2 uuid and secret key for my.openhab? (QNAP TS 453 A) #55

Open blaceone opened 5 years ago

blaceone commented 5 years ago

Hello everybody

how can I read the UUID and the secretkey from the openhab2? Openhab2 runs on a QNAP TS 453 A.

Unfortunately I can not find the directories!

Thank you for your help.

TheBlueMajestic commented 4 years ago

I have the same QNAP NAS and for me the OH2 installation is under /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/OpenHab2. To get the UUID, go to /userdata and open the file "uuid." To get the secret key, go to /userdata/openhabcloud and open the file "secret." You must have the Cloud Connector add-on installed.