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OpenID Shared Signals Working Group Repository
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WG approval of Formal security analysis report #198

Closed malmgren01DF closed 2 months ago

malmgren01DF commented 3 months ago

Creating this issue to have a trackable item for the formal security analysis approval. At the time of writing, the suggestion is that the report is read by relevant participants, that questions are directed to the researchers directly and that the WG meeting on September 9th would have an agenda point where the report is discussed and presumably approved.


malmgren01DF commented 2 months ago

The report was briefly discussed in the WG meeting September 10th. The WG will gather a list of the diff between ID2 and 3, and then the report will be discussed again either in this issue or in the next WG meeting on September 24th.

malmgren01DF commented 2 months ago

The WG officially approved the formal analysis in the SSF WG meeting on September 24th. Closing issue.