openimsdk / open-im-sdk-ios

An OpenIM SDK in Objective-C for iOS
MIT License
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🤖Failing-test: Open_im_sdkCreateTextMessage() return empty string. #30

Closed boxiu closed 1 year ago

boxiu commented 1 year ago

Which job are failing?

NSString *json = Open_im_sdkCreateTextMessage([OIMManager.manager operationId], text);

text is valid.

json is @""

Which test are failing?

iOS APP send text message ERROR

Since when has it been failing?

send text message ERROR

Testgrid link

No response

Reason for failure (if possible)

No response

Anything else we need to know?

No response

std-s commented 1 year ago


  1. Confirm whether the login is successful;
  2. Confirm whether the input parameters are correct;
  3. If both of the above are correct, please post the log of the creation message here.
std-s commented 1 year ago

hi, It's been a long time since I saw your reply, so I'll close this question first.