openipcamera / openipc-firmware

OpenIPC Firmware for Wyze Cameras
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disk space issue? #86

Closed mlepisto closed 5 years ago

mlepisto commented 5 years ago

This is a bit confusing. I have a 32GB SD card and was getting disk space errors. I don't see it using the space, but it also doesn't have it available. Anything with the flash/install configuration that might have caused it to be partitioned smaller?

[root@DAFANG:DCIM]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/root 4.0M 4.0M 0 100% / tmpfs 48.6M 8.0K 48.6M 0% /dev tmpfs 48.6M 48.0K 48.6M 0% /tmp tmpfs 48.6M 24.0K 48.6M 0% /run media 48.6M 0 48.6M 0% /media /dev/mtdblock3 640.0K 640.0K 0 100% /driver /dev/mtdblock4 4.6M 3.5M 1.1M 77% /system /dev/mtdblock7 2.0M 1.4M 580.0K 72% /backupa /dev/mtdblock8 256.0K 124.0K 132.0K 48% /configs /dev/mtdblock9 256.0K 112.0K 144.0K 44% /params /dev/mmcblk0p1 98.4M 88.6M 9.9M 90% /system/sdcard

mlepisto commented 5 years ago

I think this issue was created by Etcher or possibly due to the image size. I copied the SD contents off, erased the device and partitions, created the new partition and copied the files back and now it has the correct capacity.